Jumping over data land mines with blaze

Recap of @mrocklin's talk

Blaze is good at:

  • Separating computation from data

  • Migration between different data sources

  • Providing an well-known API for computing over different data sources (think pandas)

Separating computation from data

>>> from blaze import Symbol, discover, compute
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Forrest', 'Bubba'],
...                    'amount': [10, 20, 30, 40]})
>>> t = Symbol('t', discover(df))
>>> t.amount.sum()
>>> compute(t.amount.sum(), df)
>>> compute(t.amount.sum(), df.values.tolist())
>>> compute(t.amount.sum(), df.to_records(index=False))

Migrating between different data sources

>>> from blaze import into, drop
>>> import numpy as np
>>> into(list, df)
[(10, 'Alice'), (20, 'Bob'), (30, 'Forrest'), (40, 'Bubba')]

>>> into(np.ndarray, df)
rec.array([(10, 'Alice'), (20, 'Bob'), (30, 'Forrest'), (40, 'Bubba')],
      dtype=[('amount', '<i8'), ('name', 'O')])

>>> into('sqlite:///db.db::t', df)
<blaze.data.sql.SQL at 0x108278fd0>

>>> drop(_)  # remove the database for the next example
>>> result = into(pd.DataFrame, into('sqlite:///db.db::t', df))
>>> result
   amount     name
0      10    Alice
1      20      Bob
2      30  Forrest
3      40    Bubba
>>> type(result)

A comfortable API

>>> from blaze import Data
>>> d = Data(df)
>>> d.amount.dshape
dshape("4 * int64")
>>> d.amount.
d.amount.count             d.amount.max               d.amount.shape
d.amount.count_values      d.amount.mean              d.amount.sort
d.amount.distinct          d.amount.min               d.amount.std
d.amount.dshape            d.amount.ndim              d.amount.sum
d.amount.fields            d.amount.nelements         d.amount.truncate
d.amount.head              d.amount.nrows             d.amount.utcfromtimestamp
d.amount.isidentical       d.amount.nunique           d.amount.var
d.amount.label             d.amount.relabel
d.amount.map               d.amount.schema
>>> d.name.dshape
dshape("4 * string")
>>> d.name.
d.name.count         d.name.head          d.name.max           d.name.nunique
d.name.count_values  d.name.isidentical   d.name.min           d.name.relabel
d.name.distinct      d.name.label         d.name.ndim          d.name.schema
d.name.dshape        d.name.like          d.name.nelements     d.name.shape
d.name.fields        d.name.map           d.name.nrows         d.name.sort

Blaze also lets you DIY

Who's heard of the q language?

q)n:count x
q)all{[x;n;i]x[i]=x[n-i+1]}[x;n]each til _:[n%2]+1

Check if a string is a palindrome

q)-1 x
q)1 x

Print to stdout, with and without a newline

Um, integers are callable?

How about:

1 divided by cat

q)1 % "cat"
0.01010101 0.01030928 0.00862069

However, KDB is fast


Ditch Q,
Keep KDB+

kdbpy: Q without the WAT, via blaze

  • KDB+ is a database sold by Kx Systems.
    • Free 32-bit version available for download on their website.
  • Column store*.
  • Makes big things feel small and huge things feel doable.
  • Heavily used in the financial world.

Why KDB+/Q?

*It's a little more nuanced than that

  • It's a backend for blaze

  • It generates q code from python code

  • That code is run by a q interpreter

What is kdbpy?

To the notebook!

It's a WIP

  • Only partial support for KDB's partitioned and splayed tables
    • Q code is different for different kinds of tables
      • We really want a single API to drive the different kinds
  • No profiling on really huge things yet
  • Code generation is overly redundant in certain cases

How does Q compare to other blaze backends?

NYC Taxi Trip Data

≈16 GB  (trip dataset only)

partitioned in KDB+ on date (year.month.day)



The computation

  • group by on

    • passenger count

    • medallion

    • hack license

  • sum on

    • trip time

    • trip distance

  • cartesian product of the above

The hardware

  • two machines
    • 32 cores, 250GB RAM, ubuntu
    • 8 cores, 16GB RAM, osx

Beef vs. Mac 'n Cheese vs. Pandas

How pe-q-ular...


  • Did I partition the dataset optimally in KDB?
  • Are my queries optimal?
  • Is this a fair comparison?
    • bcolz splits each column into chunks that fit in cache
    • kdb writes a directory of columns per value in the partition column
  • kdb is using symbols instead of strings
    • symbols are much faster in kdb
    • requires an index column for partitions
      • can take a long time to sort
    • ​strings are not very efficient
    • symbols are really a categorical type

How does the blaze version work?

bcolz +
pandas +


  • Column store
    • directory per column
  • Column chunked to fit in cache
  • numexpr in certain places
    • sum
    • selection
    • arithmetic
  • transparent reading from disk


  • fast, in-memory analytics


  • compute each chunk in separate process




Usage Example

>>> from blaze import by, compute, Data
>>> from multiprocessing import Pool
>>> data = Data('trip.bcolz')
>>> pool = Pool()  # default to the number of logical cores
>>> expr = by(data.passenger_count, avg=data.trip_time_in_secs.mean())
>>> result = compute(expr, map=pool.map)  # chunksize defaults to 2 ** 20
>>> result
    passenger_count         avg
0                 0  122.071500
1                 1  806.607092
2                 2  852.223353
3                 3  850.614843
4                 4  885.621065
5                 5  763.933618
6                 6  760.465655
7                 7  428.485714
8                 8  527.920000
9                 9  506.230769
10              129  240.000000
11              208   55.384615
12              255  990.000000
>>> timeit compute(expr, map=pool.map)
1 loops, best of 3: 5.67 s per loop

The guts

chunk = symbol('chunk', chunksize * leaf.schema)
(chunk, chunk_expr), (agg, agg_expr) = split(leaf, expr, chunk=chunk)

data_parts = partitions(data, chunksize=(chunksize,))

parts = list(map(curry(compute_chunk, data, chunk, chunk_expr),

# concatenate parts into intermediate

result = compute(agg_expr, {agg: intermediate})
  1. ​Split an expression into chunks
  2. Get the chunked expression and the agg
  3. run Pool.map across each chunk
  4. compute the aggregate function over the intermediate


  • Matt Rocklin
  • Hugo Shi
  • Jeff Reback
  • Everyone @ ContinuumIO

Toys in blaze-land

By Phillip Cloud

Toys in blaze-land

Blazing through data land mines with Python

  • 3,015