#8 Global Markets
#9 Power of Symbolism
#10 Failure Report
#11 Guest Lecture
#12 Celebration
Recap: Power of Symbolism
- Symbolism is important, even for Augustus
- We create the meaning
- No Entry vs. Marriage Equality
- Biased
- Unicef ads are designed for donations
- Nexus ads for sales
- Why is a certain portrayal chosen?
Next Week: Guest Lecture
Carla Moore
MA Candidate in Gender Studies
(tons of)
November 25-27:
Ten Thousand Villages Christmas Sale
Queen's Centre in front of the grocery store
Advocacy event:
Know your mine #traceit
November 24, 9pm in the main lobby of the ARC
Chalk up campus!
Opportunity: QGIC 2014
Queen's Global Innovation Conference was awesome!
Pumped to plan for next year? Email Olga to get involved:
Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Queen's
Be it resolved
...that Engineers Without Borders' annual
Failure Report should be discontinued.
Failure REport
EWB believes that success in development is not possible without taking risks and innovating – which inevitably means failing sometimes.
We also believe that it’s important to publicly celebrate these failures, which allows us to share the lessons more broadly and create a culture that encourages creativity and calculated risk taking.
This is a culture we value within EWB, and also try to work with our partners in Africa to create in their organizations.
We are excited to be able to share these Failure Reports from our program staff and volunteers.
Closing STatements
#10 Failure Report
By Phil Schleihauf
#10 Failure Report
- 816