£1 Hello QEWB

£2 Poverty

£3 Fair Trade

£4 Junior Fellowship

£5 Toms Shoes/Oliberte

£6 Advocacy

£7 Surveillance and Countermeasures

£8 Global Markets

£9 Power of Symbolism

£10 Failure Report Debate

£11 Carla Moore: Gender in the Caribbean

#12 Celebration




hey, what is "making sense" anyway

Week 1: Hello QEWB

 ....we said hello

Week 2: Poverty

  • Lack of ____
    • education, security, health, control....
  • Not necessarily a lack of happiness!
  • In Canada: hunger, uncertainty, dependency

  • System Maps!

Week 3: Fair Trade

Scavenger Hunt!!

Icecream n stuff!!

Also, trying to make Queen's a FT Campus, etc.

Week 4: Junior Fellowship

  • Amanda was in Kenya w/ AVC

  • Researched P3s for rural privatized water

  • Addressed issues around management

Week 5: Toms Shoes

  • Critical look at Toms Shoes' Marketing

  • Comparison to Oliberte

  • Systems Mapped Stakeholders

Week 6: Advocacy £FIXIAID

  • The ££££FIXAID Campaign
    • Portfolio of Innovative Approaches
    • Increase ODA to 2010 Levels
    • Commitments n stuff

  • MP Phone-in Discussion
    • Hacking metrics/protocols
    • How can we advocate more effectively

Week 7: Surveillance and countermeasures

  • Anonymity: hiding who you are, not what you say

  • Privacy: hiding what you say, not who you are

  • Know your adversary!

Week 8: Global Markets

  • The current global market can put poor people at a disadvantage

  • Fair Trade is one alternative that tries to fix this

WEek 9: Power of Symbolism

  • Symbolism is important, even for Augustus

  • We create the meanings of symbols

  • All marketing imagery is biased

Week 10: Failure Report Debate

Be it resolved that EWB's annual Failure Report should be discontinued.

  • Yay said yeah and relaunched,
  • Nay said no! just improved! ...

  • So it's cool, but we have critiques.

Week 11: Carla Moore on

Gender in the CARIBBEAN

  • Dancehall portrayal of extreme masculinity should be taken in context

  • Colonial past and identity in Caribbean is complex!
    • Well-intentioned western initiatives to promote gender equality can create issues and division.

Next Term: [all the awesome]

Feedback on this term please!!


#12 Celebration

By Phil Schleihauf