Extreme Top 10 Most Presidential Nominees (Who Failed to Win)

By Pierce and Biersadorf

Extreme Top 10 Most Presidential Nominees (Who Failed to Win)

Extreme Top 10 Most Presidential Nominees (Who Failed to Win)Our political system seems to be at a crossroads with insurgents, particularly from the right, making compromise an afterthought. As a result, Congress has been largely ineffective and currently holds a nine percent approval rating from the public. With the two parties’ nomination process well underway, businessman and media personality Donald Trump seems destined to win the Republican Party’s nomination. Donald Trump’s views certainly have been extreme in terms of immigration and foreign policy, promising to build a wall and force Mexico to pay for it, for instance. Trump has also advocated for the banning of Muslims entry into the United States. While many have expressed disgust with Trump’s views, Republican Party voters have flocked to the candidate and have catapulted him to front runner for the nomination. In light of Trump’s success, we’ve decided to chronicle the top ten most polarizing nominees and candidates for President of the United States.

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