Pierce and Biersadorf

Top Oldest Pieces of Art of Their Kind

Pierce and Biersadorf Top Oldest Pieces of Art of Their Kind

Pierce and Biersadorf - Top Oldest Pieces of Art of Their Kind

By Pierce and Biersadorf

Pierce and Biersadorf - Top Oldest Pieces of Art of Their Kind

Pierce and Biersadorf - Top Oldest Pieces of Art of Their Kind. Art is one of humankinds’ defining features, and creating art uses a whole host of skills that are unique to our species: recognizing patterns, hand-eye-coordination, opposable thumbs, and planning, to name a few. Art, including paintings, stories, and music, were used by prehistorical people, meaning the time before the invention of writing, and every culture since has developed their own versions of art. In fact, art is a major pillar of what makes a culture unique.

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