Short report from

Mobile event for developers & designers

organized on 17 & 18 April 2013

in Kraków, Poland


MMConf is a fun little event for developers, designers,
and creatives brought to you by Applicake (now: Base), the team behind the legendary European Rails Conference Railsberry.


Selected talks overview

  • The future of mobile starts now  by Sasha Pallenberg (
  • Mobile apps for a distributed company  by Danny Greg (GitHub)
  • Going big with mobile apps  by Patrick Broman (Spotify)
  • Sensors and sensibility  by Brian Suda
  • Technology - The power and the promise  by Robin Christopherson

See complete agenda at:
Check out talks at: by the end of the May 2013

Going big with mobile apps

Early stage - Desktop Clients

Growth of desktop clients

Growth of desktop clients

Growth of the whole platform

How to deal with that mess?

Use REST and webservices

Reorganized structure of the platform

Sensors and sensibility

Modern mobile devices try to reflect human being

Perceptual computing

One of the real-life application of sensors

Random facts from the talks

Rovio failed with their 50 mobile apps before they released Angry Birds.

It takes 30 ms to send a message (ping) around the globe and sending a message to the brain of blue whale takes exactly the same time.

Quipu (Knot in the Quechua language) was used for storing information in the Inca Empire (3rd Millenium BC - 17th Century).

Dutch East India Company was the greatest company in the human history and it failed in the end (existed 196 years).

Video Summary

MMConf Day 2 from MMConf on Vimeo .

Report from MMConf 2013

By Piotr Wittchen

Report from MMConf 2013

Short report from mobile event for developers & designers organized on 17 & 18 April 2013 in Kraków, Poland

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