Scope & Closures


What is Scope?

What is variables?

Where do variables live?

Compiler theory

var a = 2;

1.  Tokenizing/Lexing

2.  Parsing (AST)

3.  Code-generation

  "type": "VariableDeclaration",
  "declarations": [
      "type": "VariableDeclarator",
      "id": {
        "type": "Identifier",
        "name": "a"
      "init": {
        "type": "Literal",
        "value": 2,
        "raw": "2"
  "kind": "var"


Compiler - Scope

var a = 2;

1. Compiler tokenize / lex > parse to AST > generate code:

    - @ "var a" ask Scope if "a" already exist for current scope

       - if exist, C ignore statement and moves on

       - else C ask Scope to declare "a" for current scope


2. Engine execute code:

    - @ "a = 2" ask Scope for "a" in current scope

       - if exist, assign to it

       - else if found in nested scope, assign to it

       - else throw error

Lexical Scope

scope that is defined @ lex-time

Scope Bubbles

function foo(a) {
    var b = a * 2;

    function bar(c) {
        console.log(a, b, c);

    bar(b * 3);

foo(2); // 2, 4, 12

Scope Bubbles

function foo(a) {
    var b = a * 2;

    function bar(c) {
        var b = c;

    bar(b * 3);


function foo(a) {
    var b = a * 2;

    function bar(c) {
        var b = c; // "shadowing"

    bar(b * 3);


Scope Bubbles

function foo(a) {
    b = a * 2;


function foo(a) {
    var b = a * 2;


function foo(a) {
    "use strict";
    b = a * 2;


function foo(a) {
    b = a * 2;

console.log(b); // 4

function foo(a) {
    var b = a * 2;

console.log(b); // ReferenceError: b is not defined

function foo(a) {
    "use strict";
    b = a * 2;

foo(2); // ReferenceError: b is not defined

Cheating Lexical Scope

function foo(str, a) {
    eval( str );
    console.log( a, b );

var b = 2;

foo( "var b = 3;", 1 ); // ?

function foo(str, a) {
    eval( str ); // cheating!
    console.log( a, b );

var b = 2;

foo( "var b = 3;", 1 ); // 1, 3

Cheating Scope

function foo(str) {
   "use strict";
   eval( str );
   console.log( a ); // ?

foo( "var a = 2" );
function foo(str) {
   "use strict";
   eval( str );
   console.log( a ); // ReferenceError

foo( "var a = 2" );

Cheating Scope

function foo(obj) {
    with (obj) {
        a = 2;

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // ?

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // ?
console.log( a );    // ?
function foo(obj) {
    with (obj) {
        a = 2;

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // ?
console.log( a );    // ?
function foo(obj) {
    with (obj) {
        a = 2;

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // undefined
console.log( a );    // ?
function foo(obj) {
    with (obj) {
        a = 2;

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // undefined
console.log( a );    // 2 - leaked global!
function foo(obj) {
    "use strict";
    with (obj) {
        a = 2;

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // undefined
console.log( a );    // 2 - leaked global!
function foo(obj) {
    "use strict";
    with (obj) { // SyntaxError: Strict mode code
        a = 2;   //   may not include a with statement

var o1 = { a: 3 };
var o2 = { b: 3 };

foo( o1 );
console.log( o1.a ); // 2

foo( o2 );
console.log( o2.a ); // undefined
console.log( a );    // 2 - leaked global!

JavaScript Scope



Hiding in plain Scope

function doSomething(a) {
    b = a + doSomethingElse( a * 2 );

    console.log( b * 3 );

function doSomethingElse(a) {
    return a - 1;

var b;

doSomething( 2 ); // 15

Principle of least privelege

function doSomething(a) {
    var b = a + doSomethingElse( a * 2 );

    console.log( b * 3 );

function doSomethingElse(a) {
    return a - 1;

doSomething( 2 ); // 15
function doSomething(a) {
    function doSomethingElse(a) {
        return a - 1;

    var b = a + doSomethingElse( a * 2 );

    console.log( b * 3 );

doSomething( 2 ); // 15

Avoiding collisions

function foo() {
    function bar(a) {
        i = 3;
        console.log( a + i );

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        bar( i * 2 );

function foo() {
    function bar(a) {
        i = 3; // changes i in containing scope
        console.log( a + i );

    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        bar( i * 2 ); // infinite loop


Global "namespace"

var MyNamespace = {
    awesome: "stuff",
    doSomething: function() {
        // ...
    doAnotherThing: function() {
        // ...

Function as Scope

var a = 2;

function foo() {

    var a = 3;
    console.log( a ); // 3


console.log( a ); // 2
var a = 2;

(function IIFE() {

    var a = 3;
    console.log( a ); // 3


console.log( a ); // 2
var a = 2;

(function IIFE( global ) {

    var a = 3;
    console.log( global.a ); // 2

})( window );

console.log( a ); // 2
var a = 2;

(function IIFE( $ ) {

    var a = 3;
    console.log( a ); // 3

})( jQuery );

console.log( a ); // 2
var undefined = true;

(function IIFE( undefined ) {

    console.log( undefined ); // undefined


console.log( undefined ); // true
var a = 2;

(function IIFE( def ) {

    def ( window );

})(function def( global ){

    var a = 3;
    console.log( a ); // 3
    console.log( global.a ); // 2


Universal Module Definition

Named vs Anonymous

setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);

setTimeout(function timeoutHandler() {
}, 1);
function clickHandler(evt) {
    this.removeEventListener("click", clickHandler)

el.addEventListener("click", clickHandler);


Blocks as Scope

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

console.log(i); // ?
var foo = true;
var radius = 3;

if (foo) {
    var pi = 3.1415;
    foo = pi * radius * radius;

console.log(pi); // ?
var objects = [{}, {} ,{}];

for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
    objects[i].click = function() {

objects.forEach(function(obj) {; // ?
try {
} catch (e) {
  var b = e.message;

console.log(b); // ?
try {
} catch (e) {
  var b = e.message;

console.log(b); // ReferenceError


function process(data) {
    // do something interesting

var someReallyBigData = { .. };

var btn = document.getElementById("my_button");

btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
    console.log("button clicked");
function process(data) {
    // do something interesting

    let someReallyBigData = { .. };

var btn = document.getElementById("my_button");

btn.addEventListener("click", function click(evt) {
    console.log("button clicked");
var foo = true;

if (foo) {
    let bar = foo * 2;
    bar = something( bar );
    console.log( bar );

console.log( bar ); // ReferenceError
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    console.log( i );

console.log( i ); // ReferenceError


var foo = true;

if (foo) {
    var a = 2;
    const b = 3; // block-scoped to the containing `if`

    a = 3; // just fine!
    b = 4; // error!

console.log( a ); // 3
console.log( b ); // ReferenceError!


a = 2;

var a;

console.log( a ); // ?
a = 2;

var a;

console.log( a ); // 2
console.log( a ); // ?

var a = 2;
console.log( a ); // undefined

var a = 2;
a = 2;

var a;

console.log( a );
//---------- Compilation

var a;

//---------- Execution

a = 2;

console.log( a );
console.log( a );

var a = 2;
//---------- Compilation

var a;

//---------- Execution

console.log( a );

a = 2;

function foo() {
    console.log( a );

    var a = 2;
//---------- Compilation

function foo() {
    var a;

//---------- Execution


    //------ in scope foo

    console.log( a ); // undefined

    a = 2;
foo(); // ?
bar(); // ?

var foo = function bar() {
    // ...
foo(); // TypeError
bar(); // ReferenceError

var foo = function bar() {
    // ...
//---------- Compilation

var foo;

//---------- Execution

foo(); // TypeError
bar(); // ReferenceError

foo = function() {
    var bar = __self__;


foo(); // ?

var foo;

function foo() {
    console.log( 1 );

foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );
foo(); // 1

var foo;

function foo() {
    console.log( 1 );

foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );
//-------- Compilation

function foo() {
    console.log( 1 );

//-------- Execution

foo(); // 1

foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );
foo(); // ?

function foo() {
    console.log( 1 );

var foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );

function foo() {
    console.log( 3 );
foo(); // 3

function foo() {
    console.log( 1 );

var foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );

function foo() {
    console.log( 3 );
//------- Compilation

function foo() {
    console.log( 3 );

//------- Execution


var foo = function() {
    console.log( 2 );
foo(); // ?

var a = true;
if (a) {
   function foo() { console.log( "a" ); }
else {
   function foo() { console.log( "b" ); }
foo(); // "b"

var a = true;
if (a) {
   function foo() { console.log( "a" ); }
else {
   function foo() { console.log( "b" ); }
//------ Compilation

function foo() { console.log( "b" ); }

var a;

//------ Execution

foo(); // "b"

a = true;
if (a) {
else {


Closure is when a function is able to remember and access its lexical scope even when that function is executing outside its lexical scope

function foo() {
    var a = 2;

    function bar() {
        console.log( a ); // 2


function foo() {
    var a = 2;

    function bar() {
        console.log( a );

    return bar;

var baz = foo();

function foo() {
    var a = 2;

    function baz() {
        console.log( a ); // 2

    bar( baz );

function bar(fn) {
var fn;

function foo() {
    var a = 2;

    function baz() {
        console.log( a );

    fn = baz;

function bar() {




function wait(message) {

    setTimeout(function timer(){
        console.log( message );
    }, 1000);


wait( "Hello, closure!" );
function setupRobot(name, selector) {
    $(selector).click(function activator() {
        console.log( "Activating: " + name );

setupRobot( "Closure Bot 1", "#bot_1" );
setupRobot( "Closure Bot 2", "#bot_2" );
var a = 2;

(function IIFE(){
    console.log( a );

Closure <3 loops

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    setTimeout(function timer() {
        console.log( i );
    }, i * 1000);

// ?
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    setTimeout(function timer() {
        console.log( i );
    }, i * 1000);

// 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    (function() {
        setTimeout(function timer() {
            console.log( i );
        }, i * 1000 );

// ?
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    (function() {
        setTimeout(function timer() {
            console.log( i );
        }, i * 1000 );

// ?
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    (function() {
        setTimeout(function timer() {
            console.log( i );
        }, i * 1000 );

// 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    (function() {
        var j = i;
        setTimeout(function timer() {
            console.log( j );
        }, j * 1000 );

// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    (function(j) {
        setTimeout(function timer() {
            console.log( j );
        }, j * 1000 );

// 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Block scope revisited

for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    let j = i;
    setTimeout(function timer() {
        console.log( j );
    }, j * 1000);
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
    setTimeout(function timer() {
        console.log( i );
    }, i * 1000);


function foo() {
    var something = "We ahead";
    var another = [24, 7];

    function doSomething() {
        console.log( something );

    function doAnother() {
        console.log( another.join( "/" ) );
function Module() {
    var something = "We ahead";
    var another = [24, 7];

    function doSomething() {
        console.log( something );

    function doAnother() {
        console.log( another.join( "/" ) );

    return {
        doSomething: doSomething,
        doAnother: doAnother

var foo = Module();

foo.doSomething(); // "We ahead"
foo.doAnother(); // "24/7"
var foo = (function Module() {
    var something = "We ahead";
    var another = [24, 7];

    function doSomething() {
        console.log( something );

    function doAnother() {
        console.log( another.join( "/" ) );

    return {
        doSomething: doSomething,
        doAnother: doAnother

foo.doSomething(); // "We ahead"
foo.doAnother(); // "24/7"


function Factory(id) {
    function identify() {
        console.log( id );

    return {
        identify: identify

var foo1 = Factory( "andolf" );
var foo2 = Factory( "lååpez" );

foo1.identify(); // "andolf"
foo2.identify(); // "lååpez"
var foo = (function Factory(id) {
    function identify() {
        console.log( id );

    function identify2() {
        console.log( id.toUpperCase() );

    function change() {
        // modifying the public API
        publicAPI.identify = identify2;

    var publicAPI = {
        change: change,
        identify: identify

    return publicAPI;
})( "andolf" );

foo.identify(); // "andolf"
foo.identify(); // "ANDOLF"

Modern Modules

var Manager = (function Manager() {
    var modules = {};

    function define(name, dependencies, func) {
        var length = dependencies.length,
            i = 0;

        for (; i < length; i++) {
            dependencies[i] = modules[dependencies[i]];

        modules[name] = func.apply( func, dependencies );

    function require(name) {
        return modules[name];

    return {
        define: define,
        require: require
Manager.define("foo", [], function() {
    return {
        sayHi: function() {
            return "Hi";

Manager.define("bar", ["foo"], function(foo) {
    return {    
        log: function() {

var baz = Manager.require("bar");

baz.log(); // "Hi"

ES6 Modules

// foo.js

function sayHi() {
    return "Hi";

export sayHi;
// bar.js

// import only `sayHi()` from the "foo" module
import sayHi from "foo";

function log() {
    console.log( sayHi() );

export log;
// main.js

// import the entire "bar" module
module bar from "bar";

bar.log(); // "Hi"



Responsible for storing variables in some location and for retrieving those variables at a later time

Lexical Scope

Store variable at lex-time in current scope. Retrieve variable from current scope or enclosing scope(s)


Scope and Closures

By Pontus Lundin

Scope and Closures

Based on the book You don't know JS by Kyle Simpson:

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