Audience feedback on horror

Our target audience were the ones to answer the questions which is useful for us because we are aiming our product towards them so gaining an insight on what they think is crucial for us so that out final product will be effective for them.

The majority of people enjoyed watching horror films which shows that our choice of target audience is good as they will most likely watch it.

Most of the responses gained from this question shows that most of the people like the thrill that comes with the genre and the fear of the unknown which makes it more interesting. Although, a few people said they didn't like you are left feeling scared in real life which shows that we have to create something that will keep them on the edge of their seats but something that will not leave them feeling terrified for their lives.

The films that the mentioned mainly belonged to the supernatural subgenre which shows that this subgenre may be more popular amongst the target audience and could suggest that supernatural may be something we consider for our product.

Some of the responses show that they like the scare factor of the film and appreciate the storyline of the film. Therefore, this shows us that the storyline has to be gripping enough to keep interest and to scare them.

From this we can conclude that the audience likes to be scared, which is inevitable from a horror film but also, they want to be excited by what's happening. Therefore, the teaser trailer has to have an equal balance of excitement and terror in order to be effective. Although, some said they feel anxious and nervous which shows that this may be negative feelings but the scare factor outweighs this.

As covered before, what interests the audience is that there is a fear of the unknown and staying on the edge of their seats which creates a tension and keeps up the interest to watch on. Also, the overall atmosphere created in the film adds to the effectiveness of staying enticed.

Overall, the audience liked to watch psychological horrors even though the films they liked to watched were mainly supernatural, which in this case has been viewed as less appealing than comedy or psychological. This helps us as we focusing on psychological for our subgenre so we now know that our audience finds it appealing and would therefore watch our film. 

this is possibly the most important question. I found that they want the trailer to scare them enough to make them interested in wanting to watch the film. Also, they want it somewhat confuse them a little with surprises or twists that will once again entice to watch on. Finally, they would want it to summarise the story in a good way so that not everything is revealed.

Audience feedback on horror

By poojapatel29

Audience feedback on horror

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