Lesson 2

Partial Function

Error Handling in Scala

Traditional error handling

import java.net.URL

def parseURL(url: String): URL = new URL(url)

//traditional try/catch
def parseURL(url: String): URL = 
try {
    new URL(url)
} catch {
  case e: MalformedURLException => println("Oh noes, pls try harder")  
  • Scala supports traditional Java style try/catch
  • Not as good when trying to compose multiple calls

Functional Error handling


One of more functional and composable ways to handle errors and failures

Try structure

sealed abstract class Try[T] {...}

final case class Success[T](value: T)
  extends Try[T] {...}

final case class Failure[T](exception: Throwable)
  extends Try[T] {...}

Implements higher-order methods

  • map

  • flatMap

  • filter (withFilter)

  • ... and others

(spot the similarity to Option)


// results in Success("http")
import java.io.InputStream

def inputStreamForURL(url: String): Try[InputStream] = parseURL(url).flatMap { url =>
  Try(url.openConnection()).flatMap(connection => Try(connection.getInputStream))



parseURL("http://hotels.com").filter(url => url.getProtocol == "ftp")
//results in Failure(java.util.NoSuchElementException)
import java.io.InputStream

def inputStreamForURL(url: String): Try[InputStream] = parseURL(url).flatMap { url =>
  Try(url.openConnection()).flatMap(connection => Try(connection.getInputStream))
import java.io.InputStream

def inputStreamForURL2(url: String): Try[InputStream] = {
  for {
    parsedUrl <- parseURL(url)
    connection <- Try(parsedUrl.openConnection())
    inputStr <- Try(connection.getInputStream)
  } yield inputStr

Translation into for-comprehensions

for-comprehension version 

flatMap version

def parseURL(url: String): Try[URL] = Try(new URL(url))

val result = parseURL("http://www.hotels.com")

result match {
  case Success(url) => println(url)
  case Failure(e) => println(s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")

Consuming Try 

parseURL("garbage") recover {
  case e: MalformedURLException => "Please make sure to enter a valid URL"
  case _ => "An unexpected error has occurred. We are so sorry!"
// returns Success(Please make sure to enter a valid URL)

Matching on a failure with recover

Pattern Matching


By Povilas Lape


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