Ground assist

Data visualisation and enrichment tool

The problem 

Lack of tools to explore and interact with it

Huge Data repositories of Forest data

Data analytics and visualisation engine for forest stakeholders

Enriching the open forest data with crowdsourcing technologies


What we have built

Community platform for stakeholders (eg. owners), governing bodies and general public around using and improving forest data


- Parsing and Indexing GeoPackage Datasets 

(Grid Compartments Data)

- Searching through the huge repositories efficiently

- Layering this on open map technologies (Google Maps, Open Street Maps)

- Delivering the data to user in meaningful way 

- Inviting user to contribute to the data

The Proof of Concept

Raw Figures


on open map technologies

Statistics and updates relevant to user's location

Technology Stack


Python Flask (Rest API)

Android (Prototype App)


For data Analysis:

Apache Spark

PySpark API


Distributive Indexing Tool:

Apache Solr


- Implement same on property borders data(MV) / Kemera / LUKE other data sources

- Ministry can use service to push regular notifications; charge a subscription fee.

- Local advertisements on the platform

- Use this as a plugin on existing services like Metsaä


Extened Use cases of the tool




Ground assist




  • Full Stack Web Developer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Full Stack Mobile Developer
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Work with NCIIPC*, Govt. of India
  • Works on Big data and security
  • Work with NCIIPC, Govt. of India
  • Computer Networks

Mentored by

- Team StreetHack, India

Product Demo


By Prabhanshu Gupta