• IdentifyStronglyLensedSNIa_PrajaktaMane_RCW2024

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • SLSC/DESC-SL Telcon

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • PRJ502_MS19054

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • LSST_TDWG_Mar26

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • Vertical_PRJ501_MS19054

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • PRJ501_MS19054

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • PRJ501_MS19054_larger

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • PHY663TermPaper

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • IDC452_SeminarDelivery

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • AstroClubTalk

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space

  • IDC451_Presentation_MS19054

    Presentation made for IDC451: Seminar Delivery course on the topic Gravitational Lensing and the Most Powerful Explosions in the Space