How To Share A Printer Between Windows Computers?

HELP-DESK +1-877-269-4999

1. Install the printer on the computer that will be sharing it.

Normally, Most printers can be installed by plugging them in via USB.

2. Create HomeGroup (Windows 7 and later).

 Control Panel        HomeGroup menu

Click the Create a homegroup

3. Connect to the HomeGroup on your laptop

 Control Panel        HomeGroup menu

Click the Join Now Button        Enter password

4.Print to the shared printer.

Make sure that the computer sharing the printer is turned on

5. Enable File and Printer Sharing and then share the printer manually if you can't use HomeGroups.

Control Panel and         "Network and Sharing Center

Change advanced sharing         Private" network settings

Turn on file and printer sharing"            Save changes   

6. Install the shared printer on the laptop.

Control Panel        "Devices and Printers"  

Add a printer          Add a network, or Bluetooth printer

Select your network printer

Now, if you are facing problem even aftrer following these simple steps. Just Contact to our Canon Printer Support Help Number +1-877-269-4999.

Thank You!     

Canon Printer Support

Help  Number


How To Share A Printer Between Windows Computers?

By Printer Help Number +1-877-269-4999

How To Share A Printer Between Windows Computers?

If you trying to share a printer between two windows computers. Now, if you are still facing problem during doing that, just contact us Canon Printer Support Help Number +1-877-269-4999. For more information visit:

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