Capture Processes In Programs

Author: Pronab Pal, Technical Architect, TCS

'Code in execution'

does Schedule:

  • Process threads
  • Resources
  • Data,Variables
  • Scopes
  • events

These are 'Program execution entities'

Name Each:

'program execution entities'

Name each of these entities that a code uses to run the program in any platform

e.g Android UI is One thread, then activity ,resources and services are scope,data,process threads etc. Keep them in a static table in the code.attach access methods if there is any

Break Usecases

  • into Dialogues [action/result]
  • e.g log in ->
  • 'enter details' , 'confirm', 'error','dismiss'

Map Dialogues To Entities

'Dialogues From Use cases' <-->  'Program execution entities '


Programs Carry a static 

structure to show the mappings

These  mappings are used

For Program Understanding and

Planning Upgrades

Why we need it  ? :       

We simply can not waste resources [the programmers mind],the trained human engagement in doing something that can be done

smoothly ,methodically and much faster

World Needs

Developers :

Almost every problem we try to solve today will involve some kind of software, some kind of programming.

To make the world a better place you simply can not afford to waste the time of a  trained mind [the developer]

Proceses In Programs-Track them for Dev

By Pronab Pal

Proceses In Programs-Track them for Dev

A way To Make Systems Maintainable, Expandable

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