From Event Storming To Working Code
# Big Picture
Event Storming
First Event
What is the goal?
Tell A Story
What needs to happen, to achieve the goal?
Order By Time
What happens when?
Group By Context
What belongs together?
Explore The Domain
What are the details?
Identify Hot Spots
Highlight important questions, that can't be answered now!
# Collaborative Modelling
Team Collaboration
Discuss and experiment. Define requirements. Describe User Stories.
And ...
Realtime Code Gen
Hand over design to a coding bot and let it generate working code!
Say Hello to Cody
Cody is a coding bot. You provide the design, he turns it into working code.
Trigger Cody
Design the flow
(Using Event Storming by default)
Set Metadata
(Custom Templates supported)
Trigger Cody
(Interactive console)
Cody Server
Local HTTP Server
(with write access to project)
- Event: Name, Metadata ...
- Connected sources, targets
- ...
Generate Code
Cody Response
Cody Response
Custom Style
Cody Error
TypeScript Preset
CQRS / Event Sourcing Boilerplate
EventEngine Preset
CQRS / Event Sourcing Boilerplate
DIY - Own Flow
Custom #proophboard sticky types and colors
Custom #proophboard sticky metadata templates
DIY - Cody Server
Can be written in any language within a day
Just a simple HTTP server handling a few different requests
DIY - Coding Bot
Simple hooks called by HTTP server that can do whatever you want. Unified Cody Response Format. That's it!
So any language, architectural style and framework can be used. It's only limited by your imagination!
Visual Programming
By prooph
Visual Programming
- 1,337