Closing the Knowledge Gap
Barry Warsaw
October 2022
About Me
- Core Python developer since 1994
- Former Python Release Manager
- Member of Python Security Response Team
- Founding member Steering Council (3 terms)
- PSF Fellow
- Former project leader for GNU Mailman (and Jython)
- Ubuntu/Debian developer emeritus
- LinkedIn since 2017, TL Python, Knowledge Eng
Why this talk?
- Open source vs Enterprise engineering
- Technical decisions shaped by constraints
- Organizational
- User requirements and acceptance
- Engineering environment
- Resources
- Strong opinions, informed by principles, tempered with an open mind
- Take intelligent risks
Problem Statement
Top developer pain point:
"I cannot find the technical information I need to do my job effectively and efficiently."
Problem Statement
Is this because the documentation...
- doesn't exist?
- cannot be found?
- is incomplete?
- is stale?
- is duplicated/uncertified?
Close the Knowledge Gap
- Discoverability
- Scale tribal knowledge
- Publishing guidelines
- Metadata, metrics, feedback
- Virtuous cycle b/w producers and consumers
- In-flow proactive help
Close the Knowledge Gap
- Address discoverability through partnership with enterprise search team
- Tribal knowledge is unscalable
- Guidelines for where to publish different kinds of knowledge
- Metadata, metrics, feedback
- Virtuous cycle b/w producers and consumers
- In-flow proactive help
In-repo documentation
- Keep docs close to the code
- Treat docs as code
- Provide team/product landing pages
- Reduce friction for publishing
- Improve UX for consuming
What's the problem?
- Closely tied to Gradle
- Kafka events get lost
- Samza process dies
- Artificial Kafka event required
- iframed into deployment portal
- Significant delays and outages
- Complex, high maintenance system
- Inflexible - Sphinx only
Goals of In-repo NG
- Independent of the build system
- Transparent, scalable, sustainable
- Golden path builders w/escape hatch
- Extensible and flexible
- Familiar GitHub workflows
- Incrementally adopt GitHub platform
Reduce friction
for producers and consumers
GitHub Pages
Barry Warsaw
In-Repo Documentation
By Barry Warsaw
In-Repo Documentation
Next Gen In-Repo Documentation at LinkedIn
- 458