First presentation by Joe

No pressure
Start off with a safe  one

"I think we as a uh society do have to uh ask some uh pretty difficult and uh profound questions" - Barack Obama -2014

The Death Penalty

A Super Happy Funtime Presentation 

"I do believe in the death penalty but only for guilty people" - Captain Obvious 

35 States allow executions

We Ain't Saints though

The Pennywinky

"What does the United States have in common with Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia?" - Quizmaster

It's not the McRib

82% of all exectutions done in those contries

"Isn't it interesting how things that were considered airtight are now under scrutiny?"  - This guy who is still employed

"4% of Death Row Inmates are Innocent" - Former Death Row Inmate

A case was taken to the supreme court over voter impersonation

"There is no credible evidence that the death penalty is a deterrent to others - Person who did research

Death penalty costs 10x more than life in prison

So wait...


Potentially kills innocents

Doesn't deter further murderers

one last question


A Mild Presentation

By purefazz

A Mild Presentation

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

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