
Stage 3 (Finally!)


What is a decorator?

function add(a, b) {
  console.log(`calling add, args:`, ...args);

  const result = a + b;

  console.log(`finished add, result:`, result);

  return result;

function sub(a, b) {
  console.log(`calling sub, args:`, ...args);

  const result = a - b;

  console.log(`finished sub, result:`, result);

  return result;
function debugLog(fn) {
  return (...args) => {
    console.log(`calling ${}, args:`, ...args);
    const result = fn(...args);
    console.log(`finished ${}, result:`, result);
    return result;

const add = debugLog((a, b) => a + b);
const sub = debugLog((a, b) => a - b);
const C = decorate1(
    class {
      // ...
class C {
  // ???
  method() {}

Decorators as of March 2022

Decorators as of March 2022

function dec(value, context) {
  // apply decoration

Decorators as of March 2022

function dec(value, context) {
  // apply decoration

class C {
  @dec m() {}
  @dec get x() {}
  @dec set x(v) {}
  @dec y = 123;
  @dec accessor z = 456;

Decorators as of March 2022

function dec(value, context) {
  // apply decoration

class C {
  @dec m() {}
  @dec get x() {}
  @dec set x(v) {}
  @dec y = 123;
  @dec accessor z = 456;

class C {
  @second @first x = 123;
function dec(Class) {
  return class Decorated extends Class {
    // ...

@dec class C {}
function logResult(method) {
  return function (...args) {
    const result = method.apply(this, args);


    return result;

class C {
  @logResult m() {
    return 123;

new C().m(); // logs "123"
function logResult(method) {
  return function (...args) {
    const result = method.apply(this, args);


    return result;

class C {
  @logResult get x() {
    return 123;

new C().x; // logs "123"
function add1() {
  return function (value) {
    return value + 1;

class C {
  @add1 x = 1;

console.log(new C().x); // 2
class C {
  accessor x = 123;
class C {
  accessor x = 123;

// is approximately the same as

class C {
  #x = 123;

  get x() {
    return this.#x;

  set x(value) {
    this.#x = value;
function addOneAndLog({ get, set }) {
  return {
    get() {
      const value =;
      console.log('getting value:', value);
      return value;
    set(value) {
      console.log('setting value:', value + 1), value + 1);
    init(value) {
      return value + 1;

class C {
  @addOneAndLog accessor x = 1;

const c = new C();

c.x; // getting value: 2;
c.x = 2; // setting value: 3;
interface DecoratorContext {
  kind: 'class' | 'method' | 'getter' | 'setter' | 'field' | 'accessor';
  name: string | symbol;
  private?: boolean;
  static?: boolean;
  access: {
    get?(): unknown;
    set?(value: unknown): void;
  addInitializer?(initializer: () => void): void;
function bound(_, { access, addInitializer }) {
  addInitializer(function () {
    // get the final method
    const method =;

    // set it to a bound version, method.bind(this));

class C {
  @bound m() {}
class C {
  @inject('foo') bar;
function inject(name) {
  return function injectionDecorator() {
    // ...injection logic using name

class C {
  @inject('foo') bar;
class C {
  // valid x; x;
  @(foo['bar']().baz) x;

  // invalid
  @foo['bar'] x;
  @foo().bar() x;

Major Differences

Between March 2022 and Babel Legacy/Typescript

1. Decorators cannot change the type of a decorated value.

2. Decorators cannot change the property descriptor for class elements.

3. Class element decorators do not have access to the class itself.

4. Class decorator come after the export keyword

4. Class decorator come after the export keyword

// before
@dec export class Foo {

// after
export @dec class Foo {

function makeAClass() {
  return @dec class Bar {
    // ...

5. Decorator expressions are more restricted.

5. Decorator expressions are more restricted.

// before
export class Foo {
  @foo().bar() x; 

// after
export @dec class Foo {
  @(foo().bar()) x

5. Decorator expressions are more restricted.

4. Class decorator come after the export keyword

3. Class element decorators do not have access to the class itself.

2. Decorators cannot change the property descriptor for class elements.

1. Decorators cannot change the type of a decorated value.

Major Differences

Looking Forward

Thank you!

Decorators Stage 3 (Finally!)

By pzuraq

Decorators Stage 3 (Finally!)

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