Post-ES6 Spec Process
Rafael Weinstein
Dmitry Lomov, Sept 2013
Status quo for ES additions
Committee is the sole steward
- Consensus-based
- Additions driven by champions
- Community is heavily involved
- Spec revisions are date-driven
- Informal development process
Most of this is good
- Language evolved as a cohesive whole
- Committee is the sole steward of ES
- Consensus-based
- Additions driven by champions
- Community is heavily involved
- Spec revisions are date-driven
- Informal development process
- Language evolved as a cohesive whole
- Committee is the sole steward of ES
- Consensus-based
- Additions driven by champions
- Community is heavily involved
- Spec revisions are date-driven
- Informal development process
Problem: Date-driven revisions
Long time between revisions
"Making" the next revision is high-stakes
Feature creep
Problem: Date-driven revisions
Inevitably contain additions of varying maturity.
- Mature/stable additions are delayed by large and/or later developed ones.
- Less mature/stable additions face undue pressure to finalize.
Problem: Informal process
Acceptance occurs before many details are sorted out
Implementers lack clear signals of maturity
- Increases implementers’ risks
Spec writing is the burden of the editor
- Decouple additions from dates (specific revisions)
- Revise spec annually
- When addition is complete, it goes into next revision
- Formalize stages of maturity
- Clear criteria at each stage
- Clear significance for acceptance
Componentize the spec or the language
Change the rate of evolution
Maturity Stages
- Proposal
- Working Draft
- Candidate Draft
- Last Call Draft
- TC-39 sends a new Final Draft to ECMA every September.
- Additions which have been accepted as Last Call drafts can be included
Stage 1: Proposal
Making the case for addressing the problem
Describing the general shape of a solution
Proposal: Criteria
Prose outlining the problem or need and the general shape of a solution
Illustrative examples of usage
High-level API
Discussion of key algorithms, abstractions and semantics
Identification of potential “cross-cutting” concerns and implementation challenges/complexity
An identified “champion” who will move the proposal towards a Working Draft.
Proposal: Acceptance Signifies
The problem or need warrants a solution and the attention of the committee
The proposed solution appears workable and worth developing further
The committee expects to devote time to examining the problem space, solution and cross-cutting concerns
Stage 2: Working Draft
Detailed solution
Initial spec
Working Draft: Criteria
Draft spec text (relative to latest final draft) for all major semantics and syntax (some TODOs, placeholder prose and editorial issues are expected)
An identified "champion" who will move the draft towards a Candidate.
Working Draft: Acceptance Signifies
- The committee has accepted the addition as a work item with the expectation that it be fully developed into a language feature.
Stage 3: Candidate Draft
Needs implementations
Candidate Draft: Criteria
- Complete spec text for all semantics and syntax
Candidate Draft: Acceptance Signifies
The committee feels that the solution is complete and no further work is possible without implementation experience and developer feedback
The spec is ready for experimental implementations
Stage 4: Last Call Draft
- Finalized spec
Last Call Draft: Criteria
Spec text reflects all changes made in response to implementation and developer feedback
Suite 262 acceptance tests have been authored for mainline usage scenarios
Two implementations pass the acceptance tests
All outstanding objections have been addressed to the committee's satisfaction
Last Call Draft: Acceptance Signifies
- TC-39 recommends the feature, as specified, for inclusion in the ECMAScript standard
- Implementers expected to ship the feature as specified
- The feature will be scheduled for inclusion in the next available spec revision
Mechanics: Feature dependencies
- The committee is responsible for considering additions in light of each other and existing semantics
- The committee can require two or more additions either be joined, tracked together through the process or serialized
Tooling: Managing the spec?
- Branches or “Feature Flags”
- Hybrid?
- Develop more spec writing competency
TC-39 Process Proposal
By Rafael Weinstein
TC-39 Process Proposal
- 12,821