Real User Measurements Revisited

Performing in Real World

Hi, I'm Rafal RUManek

doing frontend stuff at Codewise
event organizer for Angular Dragons

I have a poor sense of humour

 (please, forgive me!)

1939 KB


is the median size of resources requested by a page

is the median number of resources requested by a page

75 requests

19 connections


is the median number of
TCP connections for a page

is the average load time
for a mobile page


53% of mobile visitors leave a page

that takes more than
3 seconds to load


What should be my goal?
Do I have budget for it?

RAIL model - industry standards?

How do I get there?

1. Local tests

2. Synthetic tests
3. Real user tests

(during development, devtools  + audits)


(prod - Real User Measurement)

From click to load

image src & read more at:

image src & read more at:

Navigation timing

Navigation timing

    const [perfData] = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation');
    const pageLoadTime = perfData.loadEventEnd 
    				- perfData.startTime;

    const dnsLookupTime = perfData.domainLookupEnd 
    				- perfData.domainLookupStart;

    const timeTillFirstByte = perfData.responseStart 
    				- perfData.requestStart;

Resource timing

Resource timing

    // retrieving script transfer size
    const scriptsResources = performance.getEntriesByType('resource')
        .filter(entry => entry.initiatorType === 'script');
    const scriptsTransferSize = scriptsResources
        .reduce((sum, {transferSize}) => sum + transferSize, 0);

Server Timing headers

Long Tasks

Perceived performance

When is your app really ready?

Paint Timing

    // first-paint, first-contentful-paint

    const timingEntries = performance.getEntriesByType('paint');

Time till:

  • visually ready

  • interactive

Time till visually ready

Time till visually ready

  • First paint (if available) - not necessarily meaningful

Time till visually ready

  • First paint (if available) - not
    necessarily meaningful

  • domContentLoadedEventEnd - available through performance.timing

Time till visually ready

  • hero image (if exists) - via Resource Timing

  • First paint (if available) - not
    necessarily meaningful

  • domContentLoadedEventEnd -
    available through performance.timing

Time till visually ready

  • framework ready - custom, user defined event

  • First paint (if available) - not
    necessarily meaningful

  • domContentLoadedEventEnd -
    available through performance.timing

  • hero image (if exists) - via Resource Timing

Time till interactive

Time till interactive

  • Time till visually ready

Time till interactive

  • Time till visually ready


  • no long tasks (Long Tasks API)

Time till interactive


  • FPS > 20 - requestAnimationFrame


  • no long tasks (Long Tasks API)

  • Time till visually ready

It's not only about the load time!

User timing



Performance observer

    const observer = new PerformanceObserver(list => {
       const entries = list.getEntries();
       // log performance data
    observer.observe({entryTypes: ["resource"]});

Long Tasks

From interaction to interactivity in SPA

From interaction to interactivity in SPA


  • timing between interaction and xhr (if exists): performance.mark, routing events if available

From interaction to interactivity in SPA


  • fetch time: resource timing + performance observer + server timing


  • timing between interaction and xhr (if exists): performance.mark, routing events if available

From interaction to interactivity in SPA


  • timing between interaction and xhr (if exists): performance.mark, routing events if available


  • fetch time: resource timing + performance observer + server timing


  • rendering complete: routing complete, after render events - performance marks

From interaction to interactivity in SPA



  • full interactivity: no long tasks + FPS > threshold


  • timing between interaction and xhr (if exists): performance.mark, routing events if available


  • fetch time: resource timing + performance observer + server timing


  • rendering complete: routing complete, after render events - performance marks



  • for sending gathered data, consider using Beacon API


  • for sending gathered data, consider using Beacon API

  • remember about Timing-Allow-Origin header


  • for sending gathered data, consider using Beacon API

  • remember about Timing-Allow-Origin header

  • be aware of cache hits: in-memory, disk, CDN edge


  • for sending gathered data, consider using Beacon API

  • remember about Timing-Allow-Origin header

  • be aware of cache hits: in-memory, disk, CDN edge

  • make sure you separate background tab performance with Page Visibility API


  • for sending gathered data, consider using Beacon API

  • remember about Timing-Allow-Origin header

  • be aware of cache hits: in-memory, disk, CDN edge

  • make sure you separate background tab performance with Page Visibility API

  • differentiate page load from refresh

Paid solutions

SpeedCurve, Catchpoint, mPulse,, Pingdom, Sentry, ....

You can start on your own!

Baby steps, right?

If you don't measure and optimize your app performance, eventually it will downgrade

If you don't measure and optimize your app performance, eventually it will downgrade

If you don't measure and optimize your app performance, eventually it will downgrade

Thank you!


RUM revisited @ meetjs summit 30.09

By Rafał Rumanek (truti)

RUM revisited @ meetjs summit 30.09

  • 863