Welcome to Kotlin
Introduction for Programmers
Rainer Kern 2019

Hello World
Statically typed C-like programming language
object-oriented and functional hybrid
Runs on the JVM with full bidirectional interoperability
Runs natively on Android (generates 1.6 Bytecode)
Possibility to compile to Javascript using LLVM
Kotlin Native (beta) for iOS, MacOs and Windows
Open source compiler and tools
YAJL - Yet another JVM Language!
- Jetbrains is well-known and offers good tooling support
- Nothing really new - just the best of all of them
- It’s about the Java ecosystem, not the language
- Feels like Java 2.0 (Java on steroids)
// Kotlin is
(1..6).forEach{ println("very") }
// easy to learn
log -pretty --date=short
2010 Start of Development by JetBrains
2011 Unveiling of Project Kotlin
2012 Open Source under Apache 2
2016 Release of v 1.0 in Feb
2017 Android Native
2019 v. 1.3.52

Kotlin is also an Island

Why Kotlin
Syntax similar to JAVA / C#
Expressiveness makes more readable.
Conciseness makes more understandable.
Flexibility - It allows developers to declare the
functions at the top level
No static declaration (can cause problems to Java devs)
Has Coroutines
Basic Syntax
// Java
// Kotlin
fun main() {
println("Hello World")
package com.systemkern.demo
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val name =
if (args.length > 0) args[0]
else ”Kotlin”
println("Hello $name")
// immediate assignment
val a: Int = 1
// 'Int' type is inferred
val b = 2
// ininitialized 'Int'
val c: Int
c = 3
// variable of type int
val one = 1
val million = 1_000_000
// variable of type string
val str = "foo"
//explicit declaration
val d: Double = 13.37
val strList = listOf("foo", "bar")
// 'Int' type is inferred
var x = 5
x += 1
// top level variables
val PI = 3.14
var x = 0
fun main() {
x += 1
// traditional usage
var max = a
if (a > b) max = b
// with else
var max: Int =
if (a > b) max = a
else (a > b) max = b
// when replaces the switch operator
when (x) {
1 -> print ("x == 1")
2 -> print ("x == 2")
else -> {
print ("x is neither 1 nor 2")
// for loops
for (item in collection) {
for (i in 1..10)
println (i)
for (i in array.indices)
println (array[i])
// while loops (and do..while)
while (x > 0) {
do {
val y = retreiveData()
} while (y != null)
Language Features

//nullability types checked by the compiler
val sure: String = null // error
val maybe: String? = null
if (maybe == null)
println("nullable is null")
if (maybe != null)
println("nullable is not null")

val nullable: String? = null
nullable.length // compiler error
val l1: Int = nullable!!.length
val l2: Int? = nullable?.length
val l3: Int = nullable?.length ?: -1
// smart casting
var local: String? = null
// maybe = "can be reassigned"
if (local != null)
println("length: " + local.length)
print (local ?: "Elvis operation")
if (ext != null)
println("length: " + ext?.length)
Class Declaration

// single ctor initializing prop
open class MyClazz(
private val member: String
) {
// optional init =^= constructor
// init {
// }
fun alert() {
println("Member is: $member")
Multiple Classes per File


// Javascript like top level functions
fun add(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return x + y
// expression functions
fun add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
// extension functions
fun Int.third():Int = (this / 3)
val res = 18.third() // 6
// extension properties
val big1 = BigDecimal(100) // this is tedous
val Int.bd.BigDecimal
get() = BigDecimal(this)
val Double.i
get() = this.toInt()
big2 = 100_000.bd
int1 = 13.37.i
// extension properties
// cannot modify the class
// so no backing field
val globStore =
mutableMapOf<Int, String>()
var Int.description: String
get() = globStore[this] ?: ""
set(value) {
globStore[this] = value
fun main() {
42.description = """
| The answer to the ultimate
| question of life,
| the universe and everything
// insanely powerful

The Collection API
listOf().firstOrNull() // null
val list = mutableListOf(2,1,null,4,3)
.filterNotNull() // 2,1,4,3
list.first() // 2
list.first { it > 2 } // 4
list.filter { it > 1} // 2,4,3
list.firstOrNull { it > 10 } // null
?: -1 // -1
list.forEach { println(it) }
list.map { "_$it_" } // list of strings
Higher Order Functions
fun higher(
str: String = "",
transform: (String) -> (String)
): String = transform(str)
higher("baz") { "$it postfix"}
// compare to java
higher(baz,(String str) -> {
str + "postfix"
More Language Features
public class Pojo {
private String id;
private int amount;
public Pojo (String id, int amount) {
this.id = id;
this.amount = amount;
public String getId() { retrun id; }
public void setId(String id) { this.id = id }
public int getAmount() { return amount; }
public void setAmount(int amount) { this.amount = amount; }
public class Pojo (
var id: String,
var amount: Int
//Pojos "Java Style"
public class Pojo (
var id: String,
var amount: Int
val myPojo = Pojo("foo", 100)
myPojo.amount = 50
//Pojos Kotlin Idiomatic
public class Pojo (
val id: String,
val amount: Int

Named & Default Args
fun printGreeting(
name: String = "World",
str: String = "Hello",
t: Int = 1
) {
for (i in 1..t) println("$str $name")
printGreeting("Angie", str = "Hi")
printGreeting(t = 7, name ="Gloria")

Kotlin @ Google IO 2017
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Welcome to Kotlin
By Rainer Kern
Welcome to Kotlin
Introduction to the Kotlin programming languages. Its design concepts and features. Target Audience: Programmers with no Kotlin experience
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