Fortifying OpenAI Deployments in Microsoft Azure
Rainer Stropek | time cockpit
Rainer Stropek
- Passionate software developers for 30+ years
- Microsoft MVP, Regional Director
- Trainer, Teacher, Mentor
- 💕 community

Custom Software
- Always prefer IaC over manual maintenance of cloud artifacts
- Native in Azure: Bicep
- OSS and 3rd party options (e.g. Terraform, Pulumi, etc.)
- IaC is a security measure
- Enables code reviews
- Repeatable (e.g. for staging)
- IaC combined with source control ➡️ auditability
- Good practices written in code can be shared
- IaC only leads to enhanced security if access to Azure control plane is properly secured!
- Investment in AAD and RBAC is required for that
- MFA, PIM, Conditional Access, secured deployment processes, etc.
Managed Identity
- OpenAI Access Key is highly sensitive data
- ⚠️ Modern OpenAI APIs persist data
- Economic Denial of Sustainability (EDoS)
- Where to store secrets for M2M communication?
- How to create those secrets?
- How to regularly update those secrets?
- Secrets in the hand of admins circumvent MFA
- The fact that code is running in a specific Azure service is proof of identity
- Uses developer identity (MFA) for local debugging
- Managed Identity can get rid of most secrets for OpenAI inside Azure

Private Endpoints
- Azure supports virtual networks (VNets)
- Lots of security components available for VNets
- E.g. NSGs, Azure Firewall, App Gateway, Frontdoor, etc.
- Most PaaS offerings cannot be moved into VNets
- They are run by Microsoft
- Solution: Private Endpoints
- Enables accessing PaaS services over PE in your own VNet
- PaaS services does not need to be available on public Internet
- Available for many Azure PaaS offerings 🔗
Azure AD
Key Vault
Logging, Monitoring,
Azure Monitor

Logging, Monitoring, Telemetry
- Built-in metrics for Azure AI 🔗
- Enhanced with logs/metrics from custom software
- Application Insights
Azure Defender
Limited public preview of AI Workload 🔗
Fortifying OpenAI Deployments in Azure
By Rainer Stropek
Fortifying OpenAI Deployments in Azure
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