Scrum Basics

Scrum is

  • a simple agile framework for complex work
  • about avoiding the pitfalls of the waterfall process
  • focused on maximizing the value of your work
  • based on short and frequent feedback loops to learn and improve by validating assumptions
  • like a playing field for your team and a set of rules for you to play by
  • not telling you how to play and what tactics to choose

"plan - do - check - act"


Who plays a role?

have an Interest

  • use the product (end users)
  • pay for the development (clients, management)
  • are impacted by the changes (other departments, business partners)
  • are the reason why we work on the product

"Let's talk"

* not an official Scrum role

The Scrum Team
creates value

  • is accountable for creating a valuable, useful product
  • consists of 1 Scrum Master, 1 Product Owner, and Developers
  • who have all the skills necessary to create value
  • by internally deciding who does what, when, and how

"Keep it small and simple"

Product Owner
The Why and What

  • has a vision
  • maximizes the value of the product
  • prioritizes the product backlog
  • involves the stakeholders and manages their expectations
  • is accountable for creating the backlog items

"Build the right thing"

The Developers
The How

  • are a team of experts (not just developers)
  • are accountable as a whole
  • estimate the work
  • decide what's in the sprint
  • self-manage the work to reach the sprint goal
  • keep a sustainable pace

"Build the thing right"

Scrum Master
Guide and Coach

  • encourages transparency and feedback
  • supports in inspecting and adapting
  • helps to self-help
  • makes sure that impediments are removed
  • protects the Scrum process

"Keep moving and improving"

When do we meet?



Daily Scrum



collaborate with stakeholders to get backlog items ready and size them

select the backlog items to work on in a sprint, pick your goal and plan the work

navigate towards the sprint goal and identify where help is needed

get feedback from the stakeholders and adjust the backlog accordingly

learn from what went well, what didn't and decide on how to improve

* not an official Scrum event

What do we work with?

Product Backlog

Sprint Backlog


Definition of Done

contains all requirements, is continuously prioritized by value added to the product

contains all selected items for a sprint and a plan on how to reach the sprint goal

is delivered at the end of a sprint and is the next iteration of the product 

a common understanding on what it takes to finish a task

What do we commit to?

The Product Goal

  • is a single, high-level and long-term objective
  • describes the future state
  • gives a meaning and purpose to the work of the Scrum Team
  • gives focus on what is valuable and important
  • guides the team in making decisions
  • evolves when working towards it

"Your North Star"

The Sprint Goal

  • is negotiated between PO and Developers
  • is what the team commits to in a sprint not the selected items
  • helps to keep focus and navigate towards in the Daily

"Focus, focus, focus"

Done is

  • when all work is completed on an item
  • what defines the quality of your work
  • an agreement between the PO and the Developers
  • what you lay down in your Definition of Done (DoD)

"It's only done when it's done"

What's good to know?


  • complex work is unpredictable
  • decisions should be based on what we know at this time
  • adjust your course with every new insight you uncover
  • be willing to frequently take a closer look
  • be truly open and honest about your assumptions
  • your product evolves as knowledge is gained

"Validate your assumptions"

Inspect & Adapt

  • the increment in the review
  • the backlog in the refinement
  • the process in the retrospective
  • the progress of the sprint in the daily scrum

"Transparency is key"

An Increment is

  • done
  • useable
  • potentially shippable

"Get it done"

How to succeed






be open about challenges and problems, be open to collaborate and be open to changes

focus on our goals, focus on now, focus on the simplest outcome, focus on getting things done

respect each other for doing a good job, respect the stakeholders' needs

have the courage to speak up, to learn from mistakes, to not build something nobody wants and to change direction

commit to the team and our agreements, commit to our goals, commit to the Agile principles

"a team connected and in flow

and a smiling product owner"

What I dream of as a Scrum Master


Watch the probably best introduction on what it means to work agile

The official guide. Scrum is what this guide says it is ;)

Learn more about the Scrum Guide 2020 

Learn why Scrum is better suited for our brains

Dive deeper...

...and have fun

Beware of signs when your Scrum turns into a zombie

Scrum Basics

By ralfhafner