Self-serve web hosting for research applications

(a.k.a. CloudLabs)

Raquel Alegre, Jonathan Cooper, Anastasis Georgoulas

Research Software Development Group

University College London



  • ​Project motivation
  • Objectives
  • Progress so far
    • ... and a demo!
  • Plans for the future

Project Motivation

  • Researchers often invest their team's budget on buying powerful machines only used for a short period of time.
  • ​​Researchers currently moving to the cloud, find it very hard to choose provider and resources and often choose a solution that is not suitable.
  • Research applications like data processing or analysis tend to have high specs, but don't need high uptime.

Project Objectives

To provide a platform that enables rapid deployment of web-based applications and services for research outputs, algorithms and data.

  • Ease provisioning of infrastructure
    • ​Abstract cloud provider requirements and jargon
  • Streamline the publishing of research applications and data
  • Integrate with UCL authentication, networking, and domain registration capabilities
    • UCL SSO​
    • DNS mapping from provider's URL to domain

Project Objectives

To provide a platform that enables rapid deployment of web-based applications and services for research outputs, algorithms and data.

  • Users can automatically deploy web applications directly from source control in minutes
    • Integrated with GitHub and Docker​
  • Cater for non-technical users
    • Documentation and training
    • Different options to deploy depending on experience
      • Option for guided step-by-step provisioning
  • Lower costs compared to non-cloud alternatives
    • ​Free-tier for UCL researchers

Progress so far

  • ​RSDG@UCL are working on a web portal to be tested by a small number of researchers by end of October 2017.
    • Feedback and usage data will inform the next months of work until summer 2018.


  • Tech stack:
    • Web development: Flask (Python) 
    • Database: PostgreSQL
    • Automatic deployment: Terraform
    • Cloud provision: Microsoft Azure

Progress so far


  • The web portal currently allows for creation, destruction and provision of VMs on the cloud, including:
    • access to code in GitHub repositories and ssh configuration
    • custom launch of a lightweight webapp including provision of its dependencies
    • admin account setup to access VM after provision
    • display status, log and information about own hosts



Future plans

  • Web portal beta release with a controlled number of users to inform next steps.​
  • Explore integration with MyFinance.
  • Explore support for data storage and data processing.
  • Implemente automatic DNS server mapping from UCL to Azure URLs.
  • Cater for more options when creating a new host: operating system, type of VM, static/dynamic IP, etc.

Cloudlabs at azure HPC event

By Raquel Alegre

Cloudlabs at azure HPC event

Slides for short presentation about work done and planned as part of CloudLabs to be presented at Microsoft Azure's HPC event - 2017

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