How my

Google Summer of Code project can help bring new contributors to

Open Source

Something About Me

Shashank Kumar | realslimshanky

Google Summer of Code 2018 Student for Debian

My Developer Story and Blog

What is Google Summer of Code

A Global Program

Annual Open Source Contribution Festival

1264 Students selected for 2018

206 Organizations participating in 2018

About The Debian Project

Associate of individuals making free and open source operating system - Debian

My mentor organization

My Preparations for GSoC

Began exploring projects 3, 4 months before proposal submissions

Found my spark with Debian

Summarized everything in blogs

My GSoC Project

Project Idea - Debian Project Wiki

Finished Application - New Contributor Wizard

New Contributor Wizard

New Contributor Wizard


Build a GUI application using Python

Allow users to learn about various technologies from one place using TUTORIALS

Help them experiment and get started from the same place using TOOLS

Application should be progressive to bring new TUTORIALS and TOOLS

New Contributor Wizard

Key Constructs

Sign Up

Sign In


Tutorials and Tools Menu



New Contributor Wizard

Sign Up

Takes necessary information about the user with validation

Updates the database in order to create an account

Redirects the user to the Dashboard

New Contributor Wizard

Sign In

Takes email and password about the user

Validates the information and verifies using the database

Redirects the user to the Dashboard after success

New Contributor Wizard


Contains all the course ware sections to learn from

Each course ware section contains Tools and Tutrorials

It makes it easier to move around different sections

New Contributor Wizard

Tutorials and Tools Menu

Provides a beautiful scrollable menu with visual aids for difficulty levels

This feature can be abstracted for any course ware section

Adds an additional block to link project repository for contributions

New Contributor Wizard


is a collection of Lessons

A Tutorial Parser helps build Tutorial from just a JSON file

Each lesson contains texts, images, questions and code snippets

New Contributor Wizard


Provides in-place method to experiment with technologies

A way to practice what one learns in Tutorials

It takes basic knowledge of Kivy to build one

How to build Tutorial

If you know what a JSON file is you can built a Tutorial

Follow the documentation

How to build Tool

Knowledge of Kivy and Python is required

Follow the documentation

Special Mention

Daniel Pocock

Sanyam Khurana

Thank You

May the --force be with you

How my GSoC project can help bring new contributors to Open Source

By Shashank Kumar

How my GSoC project can help bring new contributors to Open Source

  • 1,924