Creating effective visualizations

Rebecca Barter




April 2018

We visualize to simplify

We visualize to explain

Visualization is a creative art

Lower the barrier

Use packages that create common visualization types (e.g. ggplot2)

Data source: gapminder data

General principles

How to be the best data visualizer you can be (using ggplot2)!

Think before you plot


of children had a 

traditional stay-at-home mom

in 2012, compared to 41% in 1970

Example source: Storytelling with data, Cole Knafflic

Every plot should have a message

Data source: gapminder data

Avoid the defaults & remove clutter

Remove redundant color

Remove background grid

Increase font size

Arrange in decreasing order

Remove y-axis gap

Replace y-axis with text

Remove x-label

Highlight Polio

Add title

Choose color wisely

(examples from Ann K Emery:

The fewer colors the better: avoid redundancy &

Choose similar colors for similar things and different colors for different things

Use different shades to indicate magnitude

Lighter colors imply less importance than darker colors

Example source:

Color resources

The color index book by Jim Krause

Moving away from standard plot types

A nice post by Ann K. Emery:

Slope plot

Dot plot

All figures made using ggplot2

General principles: a summary

Think before you plot

Every plot should have a message (use color, text & size to highlight it)

Avoid the defaults and remove clutter

Choose color wisely

Be brave enough to move away from the standard plotting types: be creative!

Think before you plot

Every plot should have a message (use color, text & size to highlight it)

Avoid the defaults and remove clutter

Choose color wisely

Be brave enough to move away from the standard plotting types: be creative!

Less is more: prioritize simpliticy

Can we improve the following plots?


Showing changes over time

Data source: gapminder data


comparing two continuous values

Data source: gapminder data

Examples of effective plots

what makes them so effective? What could be improved?

All the presidents tweets

 @ The Economist


Economic Recovery after the Great Recession

by Jonathan Schwabish

Why are so many babies born around 8:00 A.M?

by Nadieh Bremer, Zan Armstrong, Scientific American

Advice for specific plot types

Chloropleth maps

Interactive transitions

General tips



code for ggplot figures:

Creating effective visualizations

By Rebecca Barter

Creating effective visualizations

Slides for DS421 lecture

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