

tennis forehands

June 2021

Swing Anatomy

  1. Split Step + Unit Turn
  2. Backswing
  3. Forward swing (start)
  4. Point of Contact (middle)
  5. Follow-through (end)

Swing Anatomy

1. Backswing

  • Feet (stance)
  • Shoulders
  • Left hand
  • Loop path

2. Forward swing (start)

  • Feet (step)
  • Racquet "lag"
  • Racquet height

3. Point of Contact (middle)

  • Racquet height
  • Grip (fingers)
  • Swipe for spin

4. Follow-through (end)

  • Shoulders
  • Left hand
  • Racquet height
  • Racquet face direction
  • Feet (back foot)


Aspect Do Don't
Feet "Closed" stance
Shoulders Look over left shoulder
Left Hand Aim at ball Limp
Racquet Path Loopy "Reverse" swing

Forward Swing (start)

Aspect Do Don't
Feet Step towards target
Racquet Alignment "Lag" behind arm Keep aligned with arm
Racquet Height Go low before going up

Point of Contact (Middle)

Aspect Do Don't
Racquet height Waist / Hip Knees
Grip Semi-Western Eastern
Racquet Path Swipe for spin Straight forwards

Follow-Through (end)

Aspect Do Don't
Shoulders Look over right shoulder Stop twisting upper-body early
Left Hand Catch racquet at the end Limp / Catch early
Racquet Height Above your left shoulder Too low
Racquet Face Aim to your left Aim downwards
Feet Lift heel of back foot Pivot into rotation

In other words...


  • "Closed" stance with body facing perpendicular to net
  • Left hand aims at incoming ball
  • Racquet goes back in "loopy" path


  • Racquet "lags" behind arm
  • Racquet "swipes" up on the ball
  • Racquet makes contact at waist height


"low to high"

"shoulder to shoulder"


  • Left hand "catches" racquet
  • Racquet ends above shoulder
  • Right shoulder is now in front
  • Right foot's heel lifts off; toes drag as needed

Albert (Critique)

  • Backswing is too high
    • Go with torso height
    • (unit turn?)
  • Point of contact is too low
    • Go with waist height
    • Bend knees lower as needed
  • Follow-through rotation short
    • Rotate a bit further


  • "Modern" men's tennis forehand
  • Not used by pro women (except a few)
  • More compact motion
    • (especially the backswing)
  • Open stance
  • Whip-like approach
    • (high elbow, loose wrist, etc)
  • Pros: ~2010 (?)
  • Me: 2014/2015
    (after 10+ years of "normal" FH)




(vs Albert)


  • Compact backswing (aka takeback)
    requires less time to set up forward swing
  • Open stance
    requires less time to set up feet
  • Whip-like mechanics
    generate more power without sacrificing spin

More advanced tennis has
more spin + more power
= faster pace + more depth
= less time to react
( less time to swing after bounce )

What's the Catch?

"Open" stance means...

  • less natural balance
  • maybe more stress on knees

"Whip-like" swing means...

  • less margin for error
  • need precise timing
  • more stress if botched

Supposedly it requires more strength.

I'm not Hercules, but I do have more fast-twitch muscle and a high strength-to-weight ratio (especially upper-body).

(and why don't pro women use it?)


  • Non-dominant hand during unit turn
    • Doesn't need to stay on racquet
  • Elbow during unit turn
    • Maybe shouldn't cross body line
  • Elbow during POC
    • Should be straighter?
  • Feet during follow-through
    • Can actually lift/rotate as needed
  • ...more?


By rebootjeff