Hydrogen transport in tokamaks
Estimation of the ITER divertor tritium inventory and influence of helium exposure
Rémi Delaporte-Mathurin
“I’d put my money on the Sun. What a source of power!”
Thomas Edison, 1931
Every second:
→ Fuses 500 Mt of hydrogen
→ Produces a million times the world’s energy consumption
On Earth
✔️No CO2 emission
✔️No long lived radioactive waste
✔️Inherently safe
✔️Abundant fuel
Plasma: mixture of Hydrogen (D-T) and Helium
Particle bombardment
Why should we care?
T is rare
T is expensive
Material embrittlement
Gao et al, Nucl Fusion (2019)
What's the T inventory in the ITER divertor?
Does it remain within safety limits?
What's the influence of Helium?
T is radioactive
Why should we care?
T is rare
T is expensive
Material embrittlement
T is radioactive
Gao et al, Nucl Fusion (2019)
What's the T inventory in the ITER divertor?
Does it remain within safety limits?
What's the influence of Helium?
Material embrittlement
Gao et al, Nucl Fusion (2019)
Fuel recycling
Top surface exposed to extreme fluxes (particle, heat)
Pressurised water convection
14 mm
- Assessment of the tritium inventory in the ITER divertor
- Models & tools
- Monoblocks
- Divertor
- Influence of helium impurities
- Helium bubble model
- Interactions with hydrogen transport
Models and tools
Hydrogen transport in metals
H transport equations
Fick's law
H transport equations
concentration of mobile hydrogen
Fick's law
H transport equations
concentration of mobile hydrogen
diffusion coefficient
Fick's law
H transport equations
McNabb & Foster
H transport equations
concentration of trapped hydrogen
McNabb & Foster
H transport equations
trap concentration
concentration of trapped hydrogen
McNabb & Foster
H transport equations
trap concentration
concentration of trapped hydrogen
McNabb & Foster
trapping rate
detrapping rate
H transport equations
Conservation of chemical potential at interfaces
Material 1
Material 2
S: solubility of H in the material
H transport equations
T : Temperature (K)
Thermally activated coefficients
1800 °C
300 °C
20 MW/m2
kB: Boltzmann constant
We also need the heat equation
thermal conductivity
heat capacity
- Multi-materials
- Multi-dimensional
- Hydrogen transport
- Heat transfer
1D H transport | 2D/3D | Multi-material | Heat transfer | |
TMAP7 | ✓ | ✓ | ||
HIIPC | ✓ | ✓ | ||
CRDS | ✓ | |||
MHIMS | ✓ | |||
TESSIM | ✓ | ✓ | ||
- Multi-materials
- Multi-dimensional
- Hydrogen transport
- Heat transfer
1D H transport | 2D/3D | Multi-material | Heat transfer | |
TMAP7 | ✓ | ✓ | ||
HIIPC | ✓ | ✓ | ||
CRDS | ✓ | |||
MHIMS | ✓ | |||
TESSIM | ✓ | ✓ | ||
FESTIM | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
FESTIM implements these models
Finite element
H transport
Heat transfer
Complex geometries
The finite element method
Steady state weak formulation:
Transient weak formulation:
Type of finite elements:
- P1 (CG1) for cm
- P1 or DG1 for ct,i
FESTIM: a code verified & validated
Experimental validation
Analytical verification
Computed concentration
Parametric optimisation technique
Cross-check with TMAP7
FESTIM main features
- Hydrogen diffusion
- Trapping (McNabb & Foster)
- Heat transfer
- Conservation of chemical potential
- Soret effect
✅ 1D
✅ 2D
✅ 3D
Boundary conditions
- Imposed concentration/temperature
- Hydrogen/heat flux
- Recombination flux
- Dissociation flux
- Convective heat flux
- Sievert's law
- Plasma implantation approx.
- ...
- Time/space dependent densities
- Extrinsic traps
FESTIM: an open-source code
✅ More transparency
✅ More collaborations
✅ More flexibility
Automated documentation
FESTIM workshop
A FESTIM course to learn how to run H transport simulations
Monoblock simulations
FESTIM model
Heat flux φheat
Imposed concentration
H recombination
Conservative assumptions:
- 2D
- Continuous exposure
- No desorption on gaps
Influence of mechanical fields neglected
Boundary conditions
Convective flux: −λ∇T⋅n=h (T−Tcoolant)
Recombination flux: −D∇cm⋅n=Kr cm2
Incident heat flux: −λ∇T⋅n=10 MW m−2
Heat transfer coefficient: h=70,000 W m−2 K−1
Coolant temperature: Tcoolant=323 K
Recombination coefficient: Kr=2.9×10−14 exp(−1.92/kBT) (m4 s−1 )
FESTIM model
Materials properties
Trapping parameters
W | |||||
Cu | |||||
CuCrZr |
Simulation parameters
Thermal properties
14 mm
⌀ 12 mm
1.5 mm
1 mm
- Maximum 77% difference
- Equivalent trap:
- n=n1+n2
- Ep=nEp,1 n1+Ep,2 n2
Neglecting Trap 2
A 2D model is the best trade-off between performance and accuracy
When neglecting desorption on gaps
3D = 2D
H concentration
160k tetrahedrons
59k triangles
2D allows for a more refined model
ITER operations will be pulsed
The H inventory is influenced by the temperature evolution
H inventory (m−2 )
Assuming a continuous exposure allows to have a bigger stepsize
Cycling: 1500 timesteps
Continuous: 86 timesteps
H inventory (m−2 )
Low flux:
5.0 MW m−2
5.0×1021 m−2 s−1
High flux:
13 MW m−2
1.6×1022 m−2 s−1
Similar results were obtained with MHIMS
Monoblock thermal response
- High temperature gradient
- 2D temperature field
Monoblock thermal response
H concentration
- Penetration front
- High retention zone in colder regions
Permeation to coolant
DEMO monoblock
Influence of non-instantaneous recombination
wo gap and wo recombination, independent of thickness (2D)
Monoblock baking
To be published
H concentration
Parametric study
Tsurface (K)
csurface (m−3)
Parametric study
Tsurface (K)
csurface (m−3)
Parametric study
Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)
Tsurface (K)
csurface (m−3)
Gaussian process regression
Parametric study
Monoblock behaviour law
Rapid assessment of monoblock inventories
csurface (m−3)
Tsurface (K)
A better behaviour law
Instantaneous recombination
✔️Non homogeneous surface temperature
✔️Non homogeneous surface concentration
❌Only works for instantaneous recombination
A better behaviour law
Non-instantaneous recombination
✔️Non homogeneous surface temperature
✔️Non homogeneous surface concentration
✔️Non-instantaneous recombination
❌3 independent variables
A better behaviour law
Automatic sampling
Scaling up to the divertor?
Inner Vertical Target
Inner Strike Point
Outer Strike Point
Outer Vertical Target
Converting plasma inputs...
Heat flux from SOLPS
Shot #2399
Plasma codes
Mass transport
Ions energy Ti
Electrons energy Te
n: density
u: velocity
Surface concentration can be estimated
Implantation depth Rp
When φdiff≪φdesorption→cmax=DφimpRp
Converting plasma inputs...
Implantation range and reflection coeff. are obtained from SRIM
Use of SRIM is questionable here...
The flux of He is ≈ 1 % of that of D
...to divertor inventory
Monoblock inventory
Divertor inventory
Exposure conditions can be obtained for several divertor pressures
SOLPS runs: Pitts et al NME (2020)
The inventory is estimated from the surrogate model
SOLPS runs: Pitts et al NME (2020)
- The strike point is not the maximum H inventory
- The total divertor inventory can be computed
invdivertor=Ncassettes (NPFU−IVT∫invIVT(x)dx+
The inventory is estimated from the surrogate model
SOLPS runs: Pitts et al NME (2020)
- The strike point is not the maximum H inventory
- The total divertor inventory can be computed
invdivertor=54 (16∫invIVT(x)dx+
The inventory is estimated from the surrogate model
Divertor H inventory (g) at t=107s
Safety limit = 700 g of tritium
max≈ 2 % limit ✅
ITER divertor inventory
Safety limit = 700 g of tritium
max≈ 2 % limit ✅
Assuming 50% T
≈ 1% limit ✅
ITER divertor inventory
Divertor H inventory (g) at t=107s
Neglecting trap 2
Influence of helium on hydrogen transport
Why should we care?
Why should we care?
Tungsten fuzz
Thermo-mechanical properties
Tritium production
Hydrogen transport
Sources of helium
Neutronics monoblock simulations with OpenMC
500 MW of fusion power
500 MW of fusion power
Energy released by 1 DT reaction:
17.58 MeV=2.81×10−12 J
Tally (n,Xa) reaction
DT neutron source energy spectrum
He generation distribution
Standard deviation
Neutronic heating
Todo: assess influence of this on the thermals
Sources of helium
Tritium decay simulations with FESTIM
Neutronics monoblock simulations with OpenMC
Tritium decay
Decay constant λ=1.77×10−9 s−1
Decay source for Helium: λ∑ ci
Sources of helium
Tritium decay simulations with FESTIM
Neutronics monoblock simulations with OpenMC
→ Focus on direct implantation
Our clustering scheme
Trap mutation
Our clustering scheme
average clustering rate in bubbles
average bubble radius
Only 8 equations:
Let's consider the following reactions
Helium clustering (or emission)
Trap mutation
For each reaction
3-species model:
Rate constants:
N-species model:
Diffusion coefficients
Capture radii
Binding energy
Derivation of the forward reaction rate
ni: local concentration
ci: mean concentration
ri,j=ri+rj: coordinate where the reaction happens (capture radii)
in spherical coordinates
2 diffusive species from superpostion principle:
ki,j+=4π ri,j (Di+Dj)
Issue #1: Too many equations
∂t∂cN= −k1,N+c1cN +k1,N−1+c1cN−1
∂t∂cN+1= −k1,N+1+c1cN+1 +k1,N+c1cN
∂t∂cN+2= −k1,N+2+c1cN+2 +k1,N+1+c1cN+1
∂t∂cN+1= −k1,N+1+c1cN+1 +k1,N+c1cN
∂t∂cN+2= −k1,N+2+c1cN+2 +k1,N+1+c1cN+1
∂t∂cN+3= −k1,N+3+c1cN+3 +k1,N+2+c1cN+2
Issue #1: Too many equations
Issue #1: Too many equations
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
Issue #1: Too many equations
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
Issue #1: Too many equations
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=(i=N+1∑∞ki,1+ci)/cb : average clustering rate in bubbles
Issue #1: Too many equations
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
average clustering rate in bubbles
Issue #2: what's the value of ⟨kb+⟩?
Issue #2: what's the value of ⟨kb+⟩?
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨rb⟩=(i=N+1∑∞rici)/cb : average bubble radius
average clustering rate in bubbles
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=4πD1(r1+⟨rb⟩) : average clustering rate in bubbles
⟨rb⟩=(i=N+1∑∞rici)/cb : average bubble radius
Issue #3: what's the value of ⟨rb⟩?
nV,i=i/4 : 4 He per vacancy
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=4πD1(r1+⟨rb⟩) : average clustering rate in bubbles
⟨rb⟩=(i=N+1∑∞rici)/cb : average bubble radius
Issue #3: what's the value of ⟨rb⟩?
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=4πD1(r1+⟨rb⟩) : average clustering rate in bubbles
⟨rb⟩=(i=N+1∑∞rici)/cb : average bubble radius
⟨ib⟩=(i=N+1∑∞ici)/cb : average He content in bubbles
nV,i=i/4 : 4 He per vacancy
Issue #3: what's the value of ⟨rb⟩?
cbi=N+1∑∞i1/3ci ≈(i=N+1∑∞ici /cb)1/3=⟨ib⟩1/3
When ci has a narrow gaussian distribution (ie. σ/μ≪1 )
Sum approximation
⟨ib⟩cb= i=N+1∑∞ici
↓ trust me
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=4πD1(r1+⟨rb⟩) : average clustering rate in bubbles
⟨ib⟩=(i=N+1∑∞ici)/cb : average He content in bubbles
Issue #4: what's the value of ⟨ib⟩?
cb=i=N+1∑∞ci : bubble concentration
⟨kb+⟩=4πD1(r1+⟨rb⟩) : average clustering rate in bubbles
⟨ib⟩=(i=N+1∑∞ici)/cb : average He content in bubbles
Issue #4: what's the value of ⟨ib⟩?
Assumption time!
- Only pure He clusters are mobile
- Trap-mutation from 7 He
- Grouping starts at i>6
- He/V ratio: 4
- No He emission from bubbles
- Pre-existing vacancies are neglected
- We don't solve for W self-interstitials
Diffusion coefficients from Faney et al. Nucl. Fusion (2015)
Dissociation energies from Becquart et al. J. Nucl. Mater. (2010)
Varying the grouping threshold
Results on a half-slab case
- Helium first diffuses rapidly into the bulk
- Mobile helium is consumed to form bubbles
He implantation
Mobile helium
Half-slab case
- "Semi-infinite" (0.6 mm)
Helium source
- 100 eV
Gaussian distribution
- μ=1.5nm σ=1.5nm
- Flux 1022m−2s−1
- Temperature 1000 K
0.6 mm
Code comparison
Faney et al. Nucl. Fusion 2014
- 100 eV He
- Flux 1022m−2s−1
- Fluence 5×1025 m−2
30 nm
Discrepancies at high T due to different sets of dissociation energies
Dissociation energy sensitivity
Solid: +0
Dashed: + 0.5 eV
Dash-point: - 0.5 eV
Varying flux and temperature
Varying temperature and particle flux
Parametric study
1 h
He inventory in bubbles
Parametric study
1 h
Mean helium content in bubbles
Parametric study
Total bubbles
1 h efef
Two regimes can be identified
🡺Self trapping
🡺cb increases
🡺⟨ib⟩ increases
🡺⟨kb+⟩ increases
⟨ib⟩ is low
⟨kb+⟩ is low
When cb is large enough
Two regimes can be identified
Nucleation regime
Growth regime
N cannot be lower than 6
Regime where intermediate clusters don't matter anymore
The bubble growth model was compared with experiments
Mykola Ialovega's PhD research
75 eV He at 2.3×1022 m−2 s−1 and 1053 K for 13 s
How to couple this to H transport?
Ialovega's experiment
He exposure
D exposure
Repeat 5 times
Experimental conditions
Sample: 100 μm W
Pre-damage: 75 eV He at 2.3×1022 m−2 s−1 and 1053 K for 13 s
Initial cleaning TDS after He implantation up to 870 K
D exposure: 250 eV at room temperature
Flux: 1.7×1016 m−2 s−1
Fluence: 4.5×1019 m−2
TDS temperature ramp: 1 K/s
Ialovega's experiment
Ialovega's experiment
Lack of control experiment
❌No initial TDS
❌No cycling
❌Not performed at the time of the experiment
→ Can only be compared qualitatively!
Ialovega's experiment
Ialovega's experiment
Ialovega's experiment
Correlation He release/D release
- Helium doesn't desorb from bubbles
- Pre-existing defects exist (suggested by further analysis)
- Helium can saturate traps for Deuterium
surface coverage of trapping sites (tuning parameter)
bubbles radius
bubbles area
The He model was weakly coupled to FESTIM
The model reproduced the experiment
Bubble-induced trap
- 4 traps including a bubble-induced trap
- TDS 1: density of available pre-existing traps is zero
- TDS 2-5: density of pre-existing traps ≈2×10−3 at.fr.
- f is unchanged 3×1018 m−2
Initial state
Pre-existing defects
He implantation
He implantation
1st D implantation
1st D implantation
1st TDS
He is removed from pre-existing defects
D is desorbed from bubbles
2nd D implantation
2nd D implantation
2nd D implantation
2nd TDS
D desorption from secondary defects
Impact on divertor inventory?
Divertor H inventory (g) at t=107s
Increased trapping (bubbles)
Reduced trapping
(trap saturation)
Divertor inventory could be even lower
Main conclusions
- FESTIM was developed to assess T inventory in ITER plasma facing components and is now used for other applications (breeding blankets, experimental work...).
- Under conservative assumptions, the T inventory in the ITER divertor is below 1% of the in-vessel safety limit after 25 000 pulses.
- Results suggest that the presence of helium could reduce this inventory further by saturating traps.
Where to go from here?
- Validate the monoblock model with experimental data
- Retention in Be co-deposited layers will domitate the inventory
- Confirm/infirm our interpretation of the He-H interactions
- Investigate other in-vessel components like breeding blankets
Adding bubble bursting
Thank you for your attention
Any questions?
Hydrogen transport in tokamaks
By Remi Delaporte-Mathurin
Hydrogen transport in tokamaks
This is the presentation I gave at my PhD defense on the 17th of October 2022
- 407