
Dynamic and Static Access Control
for your Rails Application

What is the problem?

Authorization is hard. We can't even agree on its spelling.

  • Static access control: 'administrators can do anything they damn well please'
  • Dynamic access control: 'people are only allowed to edit their own forum posts'

What's the Problem? (2)

In some cases, authorization is even harder than otherwise:

  • Multi-deployment applications where authorization might depend on what the organization wants
    • i.e., Coconut.

What's the Problem? (3)

  • Developers have an opinion on authorizations
  • So do the client organizations
  • Code changes and evolves - and so do privileges
    • How to grant or revoke - permanently, without the next deploy potentially undoing your configuration because "stuff changed"?

History (1)

Way back when, in 2010 (Terminal):
first attempt at dynamic access control

Put some code in the database and eval() it. Problems? A gazillion. For example, debugging is hell. Transparency is out the window. Maintainability is non-existent.

History (2)

Second attempt: CBAC (Context Based Access Control)

Some great ideas, some awful and outdated code. Not actively maintained and not well-tested.

History (3)

Two developers who were more or less fed up with not-really-maintaining CBAC and the code required to "glue" it to Coconut...

...went to ArrrrCamp and started coding "something better."

Arrthorizer's Principles:

  • Implement dynamic and static access control
  • Mountable engine (reusable sub-application)
  • Easy installation
  • Self-documenting
  • Simple and easy (which is hard to do)
  • Integrates with your code (like groups for static access control)

Concepts (1): ContextRole

You implement all ContextRoles with one instance method:

class MessageAuthor < Arrthorizer::ContextRole  def applies_to_user?(user, context) == user  endend

Concepts (2): Context

You configure context builders in your controllers:
to_prepare_context do |c|  c.defaults do    { message: message }  endend
def message @message ||= Message.find params[:id]end

Concepts (3): Configuration

A simple YAML file provides the link between controller actions and context roles:

read_message:        # any name will do, as long as it's unique.
    - messages:      # controller_name
      - show         # action_name  roles:
- MessageAuthor # any Arrthorizer::Group or Arrthorizer::ContextRole

Concepts (4): Groups

Group membership logic is owned by your app
Arrthorizer.configure do
  check_group_membership_using SomeServiceObject
Dependency injection. Default implementation will be provided as separate plugin.

Live Demo


The part where everything blows up in my face


By reneb


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