3. Join Groups and Communities: Search for communities with your topics of interest; they can be interests, work fields, or self-development. Engage fully in these groups by posting comments, sharing material, and creating posts. This can result in discussions and interaction with like-minded people.
4. Engage with Content: Discuss posts, contribute your ideas, and ask questions. Commenting on posts also makes you visible to others while displaying to others that you are interested in the content shared. This may lead to discussions and, therefore, friendships.
5. Initiate Conversations: Don’t hesitate to reach out to people who seem interesting to you. Like their pictures, comment on their posts, or send them a friendly, chatty message. Just as a high personality test score can reflect qualities like openness and approachability, it's important to be genuine and courteous in your interactions. The people you engage with should feel that you are being truthful and respectful at all times.
6. Be Consistent: Of course, the process of building friendships is not quite as quick as that and takes time. Be conscious of yourself, be respectful, and follow up with people over and over again. Such contacts contribute to strengthening cooperation and developing trust as well as a certain degree of familiarity.