What is aurelia?


Aurelia is a modern JavaScript MVVM Framework for building rich web applications

Aurelia - history

  • Amazingly, Aurelia's history begins with Microsoft Silverlight
  • Caliburn.Micro was (is?) an MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) composition framework for Silverlight and WPF applications
  • Created by Rob Eisenberg

the sword - caliburn

Aurelia - history

  • Durandal.js is an MVVM framework utilizing Knockout.js for observable pattern and two-way databinding
  • Durandal provides helpful utilities like a router, promise and AJAX wrappers and compositors
  • Built by Rob Eisenberg

The Sword - Durandal

Aurelia - history

  • Rob joined the Angular 2.0 team for a few months
  • His work is seen largely in the new Angular 2.0 router
  • Had fundamental differences of opinion with Core Angular team, so he left to start really working on Aurelia

the sword - angular

Just kidding, there is no Angular Sword. But if there were...


  • Originally called Durandal NG (next-gen),  Aurelia is a modern JavaScript MVVM framework
  • Two-way databinding without the use of Knockout.js
  • Created by Rob Eisenberg


why aurelia?

  • Two-way databinding still works
  • MVVM relevant for Rails, Spring, Angular devs
  • Modular -> smaller, faster, better
  • Outstanding documentation

why aurelia?

  • Future focused (ES2015/2016, TypeScript)
  • Convention over configuration
  • Easy to learn and build quick apps
  • Did I mention the documentation?

let's play a little...

Aurelia Provides...

  • Router
  • Bootstrapping
  • Bundling (via JSPM)
  • ES2015 classes
  • Easy converters
  • Templating
  • Dependency Injection
  • HTTP Services
  • End-to-end Testing
  • Really great documentation

Copy of Aurelia - MVVM done the ES6 way

By Jason Clark

Copy of Aurelia - MVVM done the ES6 way

An overview of the Aurelia JavaScript Framework

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