Week 3 gathering

Leadership with a small "l"

  • Leading with a small "l"

  • Inspired teaching (and learning)

  • courage & conviction

  • effective communication

  • living your life with honor

what makes a dpc?

disciple preparation center

  • Rather isolated geographic area
  • Enrolled for a relatively short time
  • Learning and teaching processes are focused and intense
  • A distinguishing standard of deportment and dress
  • Adjacent to a temple

survey said?

Follow the link below to fill out a quick, 2 question survey about Cornell Notes

  • record

  • reduce

  • recite

  • reflect

  • review

After this number of days The amount remembered by students who did NO review The amount remembered by students who DID review
7 (1 wk) 33% 83%
63 (9 wks) 14% 70%

Information Retention

Gathering Week 3: Leadership with a small "L"

By Jason Clark

Gathering Week 3: Leadership with a small "L"

  • 700