Where Have All the Prospects Gone?

Rich Majerus



View slides on your device: https://goo.gl/2DUJCb

Fundraising Work is Spatial

How do you work with spatial data?

Alumni Relations:

We are planning an event in Boston. Can we get a list of all of our rated prospects there? 

New Major Gifts Director:

I want to realign our team's portfolios. How are our prospects distributed across the country?  

Major Gift Officer:

I'm in L.A. and need an extra visit or two. Who should I reach out to? 

# load leaflet library

# initialize html widget
# add default map tile
leaflet() %>%
# load tidyverse

# load ipeds data on all four-year colleges
colleges <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/majerus/NEDRA2018/master/four_year_colleges_2017.csv")

# load leaflet library

# pipe college data into chain of R functions
colleges %>% 
  # initialize htmlwidget
  leaflet() %>% 
  # add map tile
  addTiles() %>% 
  # add circles to mark the location of each four-year college

colleges %>% 
  leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
    # add college names as labels that appear on hover    
    label = ~institution.name,
    # cluster markers 
    clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions())

geocode("Colby College")

Information from URL: 

       lon      lat
 -69.66264 44.56387
lon             lat
-69.66264       44.56387 

type            address
establishment   4000 mayflower hill dr, waterville, me 04901, usa

level_2         level_1
Kennebec County Maine

country         postal_code
United States   04901
geocode(location = "Colby College",
        output = "more",
        source = "google")

leaflet() %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  addPopups(lng = -69.66264,
            lat = 44.56387,
            popup = "Colby College!")

Unlocking our Data

with Visualization

Source Data for Visualization

Same Data           Served Data           Shared Data

Approach #1: Same Data

Approach #2: Served Data

R is a free open-source statistical software.

RStudio is an interface to using R.

Shiny transforms R code into web applications 

How this works...


Application Code

Place to deploy apps

What you will need...


Data warehouse

Excel, json, csv, etc.


User interface code

Server code



Open source server

Professional server

RStudio Connect


Approach #3: Shared Data

Approach #3: Shared Data

  • Linked interactive visualizations
  • Filtering and personalization capability
  • No server required

Where to go from here...

Rich Majerus





 Madebyoliver from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 smashicons from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 Freepik from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 Freepik from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 Dave Gandy from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 smashicons from Flaticon licensed by Creative Commons BY 3.0

 photos from unsplash.com

Where Have All the Prospects Gone?

By Rich Majerus

Where Have All the Prospects Gone?

  • 2,490