Now Featuring Git


  • Your name and where you grew up.
  • Your college.  Why you chose it?  What you like best?
  • Something you like to do in your free time.

This is for you.  Ask questions.

Welcome To Your New Career

Full Stack Developers

Custom Home Builders

You Need A Tool Belt

#1  Editor

What is your
editor of choice?

#2  Languages

What languages have you studied?


Do you have a favorite?

#3  Operating System

What operating systems have you used?

#4  Source Control

How well do you know git ?

Git Overview


The Fundamental Four

#1 Commit

#2 Branch

#3 Merge

#4 Rebase (then merge)

9 Git Best Practices



#1 Always Use Feature Branches

#2 Good Commit Messages

#3 Commit Often

git bisect

#4 Keep Commit History Clean

#5 Stay In Sync With The Team

#6 Backup Your Changes

#7 No Drive-By Check-Ins

#8 Don't Fight Over Code

#9 Simple Branching Strategy




Now Featuring Git

By Rober Kiel

Now Featuring Git

  • 291