Rodolfo Hansen
A collection of slides I have generated for some of the talks / workshops I have created.
Avoid throwing exceptions.
Avoid mutations.
How do we phase out or limit exceptions, global state, and loops?
A convincing demonstration of correctness being impossible as long as the mechanism is regarded as a black box, our only hope lies in not regarding the mechanism as a black box.
Why would we do this?
The good compiler is a actually a proof assistant; so you can leverage types as propositions.
... Proof Assistant? ...
Types ≃ Propositions ≃ Objects
Terms ≃ Proofs ≃ Morphisms
//In other words:
struct True; // not true: Boolean
We can prove logical statements by constructing elements of types
If you can define the method, you found the proof...
template <typename A, typename B>
struct And {
A fst;
B snd;
template <typename A, typename B>
union Or {
A fst;
B snd;
template <typename A, typename B>
B Implies(in: A);
Updated for C++ 17
template<typename A, typename B>
using And = std::tuple<A, B>;
template<typename A, typename B>
using Or = std::variant<A, B>;
template<typename A, typename B>
using Implies = std::function<B(A)>;
Why: Determinism
int decode(std::string& s);
tl::expected<int, internal_error>
decode(std::string& s);
void open(std::string& filename, std::string& mode);
tl::expected<fstream, io_exception>
open(std::string& filename, mode_enum mode);
int x = 5;
x = 3;
const int y = 5;
y = 3; // Exception
if (x = 1) // Oops
std::fstream fs;"w")"y") // Oops
IO<Tiemstamp> systemTime;
Avoid recursion
int use(int a) { return use(a); };
int sum(int... nums) = { return (... + nums); };
Avoid loops
int use(int a) { while (true) { ... }; return a; };
mlib::lazylist<int> fib = mlib::lazylist::single<int>(0)
.scanLeft(1)([] (int a, int b) { return a + b; });
Category Theory is the study of composition.
The code your write this ways obeys the laws of category theory.
By Rodolfo Hansen
Let the compiler prove itself to you
A collection of slides I have generated for some of the talks / workshops I have created.