Reporting on ROI

Scrooge McDuck property of Disney, fair use

From "The Care of Books", John Willis Clark, 1901, Cambridge University Press; reproduced from sculpture at a Roman camp

No epiphanies but maybe a few tricks.

Please interrupt.

ROI is about total return.

  • Users
  • Holds
  • Circulations
  • Assets
  • Activity
  • Events
  • Money

Assets (Collection)

One of the first things that people think of when they think of a library's budget and is a significant expense to obtain and manage.

Raw Circulation

Report prime.


Variety of cost estimates out there.  I like Newark Public Library's


Non-Cat Circ


Non-Cat In House Use

Making Use of Cost Estimates

Evergreen stores cost of item in three places: bib, item and a default org unit.


You can make use of values in reports but to make best use of this feature for things like receipts you may want to fill in item level costs by circ mod or shelving location.

Swiss Army Librarian, 2012

Higher Value Circs

Identify school support, job searching and similar categories to high light their use by stat cat, 650s, shelving location or circ mod.

Non Circulation Item Value




Reference and Special Collections are Inventory Assets (well, all are) 


In House Use

Circulation & Users

Basic stats are core to most libraries but 

become far more powerful once combined with other data.

External Data

SAIPE - Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates by State, County and School District (US CENSUS) - Population by county and metro areas, ages, ethnic groups, etc...


Block Level Mapping - or commercial services


For individual level data external commercial services.

How to Use

Method 1. Create Evergreen Reports and map in the values manually using spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.


Method 2.  Use custom tables in the database and optionally map into Evergreen as a new data source.


Evergreen Circulation Data 


Evergreen Patron Data


US Census School District Poverty

US Census Address Geocoding

School District Poverty Level Circulations Value
001 15% 3,456 $345,034
002 9% 1,230 $20,223
003 5% 900 $18,000
005 11% 650 $5,782
007 8% 8 $600

What else?  Add age.  Add ethnicity from data.  Add school graduation rates.  Break down by type of material. 


Schema: actor

Table: usr_activity





    ewho     | ewhat  |     ehow      |             label              


                        | login               | opensrf                | Login via opensrf

                        | login               | remoteauth         | Login via remoteauth

                        | login               | sip2                       | SIP2 Proxy Login

                        | login               | apache                 | Login via Apache module

 opac              | login               | gateway-v1          | OPAC Login (jspac)

 staffclient     | login               | gateway-v1          | Staff Client Login

 selfcheck      | login               | translator-v1       | Self-Check Proxy Login

 ums               | login               | xmlrpc                  | Unique Mgt Login

 authproxy    | login               | apache                  | Apache Auth Proxy Login

 libraryelf      | login               | xmlrpc                   | LibraryElf Login

 selfcheck      | verify             | translator-v1         | Self-Check User Verification

 ezproxy        | verify             | remoteauth           | EZProxy Verification

Pros and Cons - easy to check, easy to connect to Evergreen activity, does not show actual checkouts*



You can always load external vendor reports as data sources of course....

* 2.12 & Overdrive


How many emails did you send?


Text messages?




These are all effort from the library, communication done just like Facebook posts.  We take it for granted but it's reportable.


Fines paid are standard for most libraries.


Fines not paid?


Fines forgiven?


Fines past a certain date?


This is a very sensitive category but can be tied to other data, such as fines forgiven in poverty areas.


Surveys can gather valuable opt-in data points that can be made into statistical categories.


Reporting on ROI

By Rogan Hamby

Reporting on ROI

  • 1,800