GSoC: How to get prepared
(or how to start  contributing with FLOSS)

Who am I?

Rohit Dua   (

4rd year E.C.E branch

GSOC-2015 with Honeynet as organization



What is Google Summer of Code?

Flip bits  not  burgers!

GSoC Overview

  • Summer internship program
  • Mentored
  • One month for community bonding
  • Three months for code development
  • Two evaluations
  • Stipend


Ok, but WHY?

  • You get to work with the creators :o
  • Your work gets used by millions of people worldwide :0
  • You become a part of the global open-source community -> here think about your resume.  ;)
  • You indirectly work for Google \o/
  • You get cool google t-shirt, certificate, goodies.
  • In fact, you get paid not just to work, but to learn.


Did someone just say pay?

rS. 3,57,500

How to  get  in the  game?

You don't need

  • a 9 pointer
  • a degree
  • college or anybodys permission



What the need is just: willingness to code (or learn to code) and  lots of communication.


  • Choose a project

(find something that you wanna hack without worrying about its pre-requesties.

There are lots of participating organizations, segment out not more than 2-3 organization projects and focus on them.)


  • Don’t ask to ask, just ask!

(ask even if you think it's the worlds dumbest question. Just remember to be polite. :)


  • Learn to use I.R.C.(internet relay chat)

(this is where all the chatting happens.

Hang out here and answer questions)


  • POA

(make plan[s] for each step of your project and try to get in as detail as possible.)


  • Learn the codebase (and improve your chosen language)

(each organization has its own codebase[its the way they code ie. the way they give indentation etc.], so practice it.)


  • Give your pre-gsoc contrubution**

(small bug fixes/ code snippets/ patches fire up the chances) 


  • Issue tracker / bugzilla

(check out the organizations active bugs and try to solve them.)


  • Find the  source, Neo

(learn to use git \o/. get the organiztions code, change between revisions etc.)


  • Get selected ;-)

(and make your way to glory ;)  )

So when to start?


Org Application Starts: February, 2016

Copy of deck

By Rohit Dua

Copy of deck

  • 1,363