Angular. Overview

Let me introduce myself


Front End Developer at TechMagic

Angular Lviv Meetup Co-organizer





How and Why

  • Teach/Learn
  • Practice
  • Laugh(at least invoke smile few times)
  • Assign homework


1. Intro
2. Angular CLI
3. Typescript
4. Rxjs

5. Angular Building Blocks

6. Router

7. Http

1. Intro


History Time


Angular Core Team



First Release





Key features

  • Framework By Google
  • SPA
  • Speed & Performance
  • Rich Ecosystem
  • Large Community
  • And Little Bit Of...


Current State

  • Version: 8.2.14
  • Open Source (1053 contributors)
  • Github Stars (54400)

2. Angular CLI

CLI - Command Line Interface

1. Install the Angular CLI:​

2. Generate New Project

3. Run

Let's try

Automate Tasks

Generate Angular Building Blocks

  • component
  • pipe
  • directive
  • service

Simplify regular tasks

  • Linting
  • Unit Testing
  • Build

3. Typescript




Typescript Structure

"TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript"


  • ~15% reduction in bugs
  • TypeScript tools
  • ES-next compliance​
  • Types are one of the best forms of documentation

Let's Define Some Types


Non Primitives



Not defined types

Working with Functions



4. RxJs

What is Reactive Extensions?

  • Library for working with Async events
  • Languages: Java, JavaScript, C#, C++,
    Ruby, Python, Swift, and more...
  • Collaborative Effort between Google, Microsoft, & Netflix
  • Open Source
  • Works in browser or NodeJS
  • Safari 7+, IE9+
  • Easier to write, read
  • Turn Async events into steams
  • Transform streams with Operators
  • Streams only become active when subscribed
  • 'Lodash for async'

Main Features

Main RxJS players


  • Observable - a stream of values that are being pushed over time
  • Observer - a consumer of observable values
  • Operator – method for value transformation/manipulation

Stream of clicks

Promises vs. Observable

  • Promise is like an async variable
  • Observable is like a async array
  • Single value
  • Cannot be canceled
  • Not lazy
  • Good for some AJAX calls
       - Unless you want to cancel them
  • Catch, Finally
  • Streams
  • Can be unsubscribe
  • Lazy, until you call .subscribe()
  • Better for events, WebSockets
    - Animations, AJAX you want to cancel
  • Can be retried
  • Catch, Complete

  Observables are lazy


An Observable doesn't start streaming items until it has at least on observer subscribed to it


Subscribe Structure


You must remember to unsubscribe from some observables to prevent memory leaks:

  • From infinitive observables(like mouse events)

  • Any of your custom observables

Recommended Articles: link, link 


RxJs Documentation

Switch operator — convert an Observable that emits Observables into a single Observable that emits the items emitted by the most-recently-emitted of those Observables


Observables in Angular

  • Forms
  • Http
  • AsyncPipe
  • DOM events
  • Change detection

5. Angular Building Blocks

 Building Blocks

  • Modules
  • Components
  • Directives
  • Pipes
  • Forms
  • Services 



  • Identified by @NgModule decorator
  • Every app has at least one NgModule class, the AppModule
  • Provides compilation context for their components

NgModule Metadata




Other Modules

Bootstraped components

Exported members

Every Component/Directive/Service/Pipe should be registered in the Module



  • Identified by @Component decorator above component class definition
  • Every app has at least one component, the root component

Component metadata


Component tree


Component template(html)


Data binding(a.k.a interpolation)

Template syntax


Property binding

Event handler

Child Component 

Directive to iterate over collection

Components Communication

Parent => Child

Child => Parent

Two-way data binding


  • data property value flows to the input box from the component as with property binding
  • The user's changes also flow back to the component, resetting the property to the latest value, as with event binding

Lifecycle hooks


  • creates component
  • renders component
  • creates and renders component children
  • checks component when its data-bound properties change
  • destroys component before removing it from the DOM

Lifecycle hooks


  • class with the @Pipe decorator
  • transforms input values to output values for display in a view
  • examples of Angular defined pipes (complete list at
    • date
    • currency
    • async
    • json
  • can be chained
  • can take arguments
  • it is possible to define custom pipes

Pipe examples

Pipe Name

Pipe Params


  • class with a @Directive decorator
  • there are structural and attribute directives
  • typically appear within an element tag as attributes
  • there are a lot of build in

Structural Directives

  • alter layout by adding, removing, and replacing elements in DOM

  • *ngFor is an iterative; it tells Angular to create element for each iteration.

  • *ngIf is a conditional; it includes the element only if a condition is true.

Attribute Directives

Alter the appearance or behavior of an existing element

Custom directive


  • class with a @Injectable decorator
  • typically a class with a narrow, well-defined purpose
  • re-usable by any component which could need it
  • included using Angular Dependency Injection
  • mostly used for server communication or components sharable logic 

Registering a services

You can register providers in modules or in components

When providers added to the root module, the same instance of a service is available to all components in your app

Registering a services


When providers added at the component level, you get a new instance of the service with each new instance of that component

You can register providers in modules or in components

Service usage

Provide service via DI

Use service


  • Template Driven
  • Reactive Forms

Template-driven forms

Reactive forms

6. Router

Routes Declaration

Dynamic Routes

Match Any Route

Router Outlet

Navigation Between Routes

7. Http

First Step:

Include HttpClientModule into imports array

Second Step:

Inject into service

Availabled Methods

Simple Request

Reading the full response

Error Handling



Working With Http Headers


Do What You Love
Love What You Do


Thanks For Attention


Have Any Questions?



Angular. Overview

By Roman Yavoriv

Angular. Overview

Overview of Angular

  • 756