of C#
Ross Murray
- BS in CS from Southeastern
- Started using C# in 2011
- Programming is pretty neat
This is about C# 7
- New language features
- Language design process
- Direction of the language
- New features often come from F# and other languages
- They can introduce new patterns and ways of programming
- Approaching problems in different ways leads to valuable insights and increased productivity
- Use the right tool for the job.
Background Info
- C# 6 just came out with VS 2015
- A lot of .NET stuff is on github now
- You can contribute to C# if you want
- 7 is a long way away
- Roslyn repo has C# language design meeting notes
- Notes say not to infer future of C#
- Let's do it anyway
How do they choose what to add?
- There's a design team, they make the decisions
- Ultimately the chief architect has the final say
- The team picks vague themes to focus on for a new version
Anyone can propose new language features
- make an issue on github with a proposal
- these should be thorough and detailed
How do they choose what to add?
- The team decides which proposals to explore
- Chosen features are assigned to somebody to maintain a living proposal document
- Proposals update over time with changes and comments
- Practically, features are chosen by impact and cost
Some themes for C# 7
- Working with data
- Performance (interop)
- Null
- More syntax niceties
A focus on data
- A common scenario today is sending around data between services, over the internet
- Codebases with plain data models, and services with no state
- OOP techniques aren't super effective in this scenario
- coupling data and state, via encapsulation
- a focus on object behavior rather than data
- Functional programming is more effective in a data-focused scenario
- composable functions that perform simple manipulations of immutable data
Let’s continue being inspired by functional languages, and in particular other languages – F#, Scala, Swift – that aim to mix functional and object-oriented concepts as smoothly as possible.
- MadsTorgersen (C# language PM)
What's the progress?
- First big announcement in Jan 2015
- Design review in April 2015
- Several minor meetings between and since
- Many features have detailed, accessible proposals
- example (tuples)
let me show you them
Real language support, not just System.Tuple
public (double meanAge, int oldest) GetAgeStats(IEnumerable<Person> people)
var mean = people.Average(x => x.Age);
var max = people.Max(x => x.Age);
var result = (meanAge: mean, oldest: max);
return result;
(var mean, var oldest) = GetAgeStats(people);
Non-nullable references
Dog - regular reference we have today
Dog! - a reference which cannot be null
Dog? - a reference which might be null
- Compiler won't let you dereference anything from a Dog? unless you do a null check first. It's opting into safety.
- Use Dog! everywhere you can, to preserve nullability information.
Deterministic disposal
- Adds the notion of a destructible type.
- Alternative to IDisposable or a finalizer.
- Ensures an object's destructor is called exactly when the variable goes out of scope. No using() or waiting for GC.
- Compiler enforces you can't make copies of the variable or stash them away.
public destructible struct ImageResource
~Cleanup() { ... }
Record types
- Special class made with shorthand notation
- Compiler generates a full class with private readonly backing fields and public properties that only have getters.
- You can add more to your class declaration to override defaults, like adding setters.
public class Celsius(double Temperature);
public class Fahrenheit(double Temperature);
public class Cartesian(double X, double Y);
public class Polar(double r: Radius, double phi: Angle);
Record types
- "is" operator now overridable.
public class Fahrenheit(double Temperature)
public bool operator is(Celsius c) { ... }
var someTemp = new Fahrenheit(212.0);
if(someTemp is Celsius(100.0))
//someTemp is boiling
Pattern matching
- New ways to use "switch" and "is" keywords
var v = foo as Video;
if (v != null) {
//code using v
if (foo is Video v) {
//code using v
//v doesn't exist
Pattern matching
- New ways to use "switch" and "is" keywords
abstract class Shape;
class Square(double Width, double Height) : Shape;
class Circle(double Radius) : Shape;
public double GetArea(Shape shape) {
switch(shape) {
case Square(1.0, 1.0): return 1.0;
case Square s: return s.Width * s.Height;
case Circle c: return Math.PI * c.Radius * c.Radius;
Pattern matching
- check it out
public record class Cartesian(double X, double Y);
public static class Polar
public static bool operator is(Cartesian c, out double R,
out double Theta)
R = Math.Sqrt(c.X*c.X + c.Y*c.Y);
Theta = Math.Atan2(c.Y, c.X);
return c.X != 0 || c.Y != 0;
var c = Cartesian(3, 4);
if (c is Polar(var R, *)) Console.WriteLine(R);
- Google to find all this info: C# 7 features
- Much of this will change, but it gives an idea of the direction of the language.
- Many C# features have similar origins in functional programming languages, such as generics, lambdas, LINQ, etc.
- Tuples seem like a sure thing for C# 7
- Probably Records and Pattern Matching, too.
- The rest: /shrug
- I recommend at least skimming the pattern matching proposal
- It has a ton of little edge cases and uses
- I love C#, and I think it keeps getting better.
- Not afraid to push the boundaries a bit
- If you don't feel the same, that's cool too.
- Life is short, be kind and enjoy colors.
(sorry if you're colorblind)
Copy of The Future of C#
By Ross Murray
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