The Gnostics:

what do they know?


Knowledge or enlightment

Familiarity and strangeness

The Trinty

The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit

Why is there evil in the world?

Why does an omnipotent and caring God allow evil to exist?

Potential reasons

  • Optimism
  • To allow free will
  • Original sin
  • Satan
  • God is secretly a dick

Gnostics believe that the world is fundamentally as it seems

Gnostics believe we are trapped in the flawed creation of a deluded god who demands our love and worship

Merry Christmas!

Gnostics believe we are the dreams of a deluded god who demands our love and worship

Analogy time

Extra analogy time

Who is Jesus?

Analogy time

Monster or fuck up?

Sympathy for the Demiurge

We were all going direct to Heaven,
we were all going direct the other way

The Gnostics: what do they know?

By Robert Rees

The Gnostics: what do they know?

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