Cross-border spread of AMR

World airline travel routes 2014. Photo credit Jpatokal/Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 2.5)

Microsoft Teams Exercise

  • This simulation exercise was organised by ECDC with the cooperation of the Italian Ministry of Health.
  • The Exercise sought to bring two themes together, the emergence of a pandrug resistant bacteria in a healthcare setting as a cross-border threat to heath.
  • The exercise provided an opportunity for countries to share knowledge, capabilities, experiences and best practices on how to respond individually and collectively to the challenges of this type of threat.

How this exercise will be run

  • Each student has been assigned to a group (EU country) in a separate virtual classroom:
    • ​Group 1: Spain
    • Group 2: Italy
    • Group 3: Greece
  • Information on an outbreak will be posted in the Virtual classroom group chat; with questions for discussion. You should already find the first posting in your group classroom
  • Discussion of questions should preferably be discussed through the chat feature; or if using live audio discussion, post your responses in the chat after discussion
  • Every 5 minutes information will be updated with a new posting update about the epidemic.
  • An instructor will monitor the discussion and provide possible suggestions, try to answer answer any possible questions, ask follow-up questions etc.
  • At the finish of the exercise (30-45 min) we return to the main classroom for a wrap-up and discussion of our findings

Key considerations...

  • The goal is not provide the "correct" answer
  • Information will be incomplete as you try to answer questions or provide recommendations....clarifying information later may come in subsequent postings and could change your recommendations
  • The objectives of this exercise are to illustrate how a cross-border epidemic of antibiotic resistance unfolds, and the risks that must be weighed with regards to decisions to prevent the infection spread.

A community-acquired pathogen

Russo and Marr. Clinical Microbiology Reviews 2019

Cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis


meningitis, vasculitis, stroke,

brain abscess

Hepatosplenic abscess

Positive "string test"

Hypermucoviscous phenotype seen in Klebsiella pneumoniae -

an indicator of hypervirulence

Exercise 1

By Russell Lewis

Exercise 1

Module 1. 97039-Global Heath, Antimicrobial Drugs and Vaccines

  • 120