Kubernetes Installations
- Graduated Projects - Kubernetes (Orchestration)
- Incubating Projects - Prometheus (Monitoring), Fluentd (logging), rkt (Container Runtime), CNI (Networking API), Notary (Security), CoreDNS (Service Discovery), Linkerd (Service Mesh), Helm (Package Management), ...
- Sandbox Projects - Rook (Storage), SPIFFE (Identity Spec), SPIRE(Identity), Open Policy Agent (Policy), CloudEvents (Serverless), Telepresence (Tooling)
CNCF supported k8s OSS distributions
Located: https://github.com/kubernetes repositories
Described: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/sig-cluster-lifecycle/README.md#subprojects
- bootkube - tool for launching self-hosted Kubernetes clusters
- kops - run production-grade, highly available, k8s clusters on AWS, GCE or DigitalOcean
- kube-aws - create, update and destroy Kubernetes clusters on AWS, Highly available and scalable k8s clusters backed by multi-AZ deployment and Node Pools
- kube-up - start k8s in GCE, part of Kubernetes
- kubeadm - toolkit that helps you bootstrap a best-practice Kubernetes cluster in an easy, reasonably secure and extensible way, part of Kubernetes
- kubernetes-anywhere - k8s in the cloud
- kubespray - create HA cluster on AWS, GCE, Azure, OpenStack, vSphere or Baremetal
- minikube - run Kubernetes locally, single-node k8s cluster inside a VM/Docker
How to start with Kubernetes
Use your own laptop...
- Minikube - single node, easy, can be docker based (--vm-driver=none) or virtualization needed, addons, mount local dir to pods
- Kubeadm - official Kubernetes tool for installations, multinode, multi distro
- Kubespray - multinode, more complex, many options, HA, enterprise, multi distro
Use Public Cloud...
Many Public Cloud providers has "Kubernetes as a Service", depends on costs...
- AWS (Amazon) - EKS (Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes)
- Azure (Microsoft) - AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service)
- Google Cloud - GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine)
- https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray
- Started by a group of independent developers as "Kargo" project
- Install Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster with HA
- Ansible based
- Kubernetes Incubated project
- Supported distributions: Container Linux by CoreOS, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS/RHEL 7, Fedora/CentOS Atomic, openSUSE Leap 42.3/Tumbleweed
- Network Plugins: flannel, calico, canal, cilium, contiv, weave
- Many options: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/kubespray/tree/master/inventory/sample/group_vars
Architecture Diagram
3 VMs, all 3 have etcd installed, all 3 are nodes (running pods), 2 of them run master components
kubespray demo
part of the Kubernetes distribution as of 1.4.0
response to criticisms of Kubernetes is hard to install
does not provision machines
You install Docker and the official Kubernetes packages
Select a master host, run kubeadm init
This sets up the control plane and outputs a kubeadm join […] command which includes a secure token
On each host selected to be a worker node, run the kubeadm join […] command from above
Install a pod network
Architecture Diagram
kubeadm demo
Thank you...
Kubernetes Installations
By Petr Ruzicka
Kubernetes Installations
- 1,994