An Introduction to Ember.js



Gartner Hype Cycle

Ember.js: An antidote to your hype fatigue - Godfrey Chan

What is Ember.js?

  A framework for creating ambitious web applications.

  • Favors convention over configuration
  • Ember CLI
  • Open source community drives the project

The Good

  • Favors convention over configuration
  • High learning curve
  • Large(ish) - 163 KB minified

The Bad

Who Uses Ember?

Tom Dale |TXJS 2015 - Nine Things I've Learned

Let's see it in action!

An Introduction to Ember.js

By Ryan Doll

An Introduction to Ember.js

Does managing state in your single page app seem harder than it should be? Do you suffer from transclusion confusion? Let's dive into Ember.js, and learn why many developers have fallen in love with a framework that focuses on convention rather than configuration.

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