Neon Automated Testing Strategy
Key Testing Goals
- Ensure UI works according to spec
- Ensure Krypton passes Neon correct data
- Tests are quick & easy to write
- Tests execute as quickly as possible
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- Only testing the UI / DOM interactions
- Test functionality using different data variances to ensure all use-cases are covered
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- If an offering has more than one available provider, customer should proceed to Providers view
- However, if an offering has only one provider, customer should by-pass Providers view and proceed directly to Schedule view
Example 1
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- Test offering that has 2 or more available providers
- Test offering that only has 1 available provider
Example 1 Tests
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- Input field has the following requirements:
- Required
- Max length of 35 characters
- Only contain alphanumeric characters
Example 2
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- Try submitting form when field:
- Is left empty
- Has less than 35 characters (e.g. 34)
- Has exactly 35 characters
- Has more than 35 characters (e.g. 36)
- Has non-alphanumeric characters
- Is valid
Example 2 Tests
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- We only need to test that all possible interactions are under test for all data variances
- We don't need to test whether Neon was able to talk to Krypton
- Calling Krypton for all of the tests will slow down execution
Ensure UI works
According to Spec
- Data & AJAX responses are mocked, leading to:
- Faster test writing
- Faster test execution
- More maintainable tests
Ensure Krypton passes Neon correct data
- Ensure Neon is receiving the data in a structure it expects to receive
- Only validating schema - values can be anything as long as they're the expected type (caveat: enums must be valid value)
type: 'object',
properties: {
'company_name': { type: 'string' },
'url_subdomain': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'business_description': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'address_1': { type: 'string' },
'address_2': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'city': { type: 'string' },
'state': { type: 'string' },
'zip_code': { type: 'string' },
'preferred_color': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'font_color': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'website_url': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'company_email': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'phone': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'logo_image_url': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'business_image_url': { type: ['string', 'null'] },
'appointments_enabled': { type: 'boolean' }
Example JSON Schema
Ensure Krypton passes Neon correct data
- Only testing AJAX calls
- UI will never be tested during these tests
Ensure Krypton passes Neon correct data
The Test Strategy
- Create an AJAX mock object for each endpoint
- Four different types of tests:
- Unit Tests
- Integration Tests
- UI Tests
- E2E Tests
The Test Strategy
- Contains the following properties:
- Relative AJAX path that's being mocked
- JSON Schema
- Function that creates mock data
- Function that creates mock response
- Mock data will have logical defaults, with a way to override the values
The Mock Object
The Test Strategy
- Ensures mock data function returns valid data, based on the schema
- Tests non-UI concerns, such as:
- Date manipulation functions
- Currency formatting
Unit Tests
The Test Strategy
- Ensures that Krypton is returning data in a format that Neon is expecting, based on the JSON schema
Integration Tests
The Test Strategy
- Mocks out the AJAX calls
- Tests parts of the UI in isolation
- Variances in the data is easily mocked and tested against
UI Tests
The Test Strategy
UI Tests
/* Example mocked AJAX call */
rowCount: 9,
uniqueCategoryCount: 3
The Test Strategy
- Nothing is mocked - seed data is required
- Tests scenarios / flows, such as:
- Customer can successfully navigate through the appointment booking process
E2E Tests
The Test Strategy
- By ensuring that both Krypton and the mock data validate against the JSON schema, we have confidence that our tests represent plausible use-cases
- By separating the tests based on what we're testing, we ensure the tests are efficient to both execute and maintain
The Result
Our Current Topology
Customer has been using this strategy for the past couple of months, tweaking the process when issues / inefficiencies are discovered
- Merchant has started to use mocked AJAX, but not all test have been written this way and the implementation is slightly different
PaySimple - Neon Automated Testing Strategy
By Ryan Haugh
PaySimple - Neon Automated Testing Strategy
- 448