Cyclic Linked List
Given the head of a singly linked list, determine if there is a cycle. If there is, return the length of the cycle, and the first node in the cycle.
Easy, right?
Here's the catch:
- You cannot use any additional data structures. No arrays, no objects, no maps, no linked lists, you get the point.
Any ideas?
What would the linked list above return?
Length: 6
Start Node: 3
The Runner Technique
- Instantiate one variable (slowNode) to point to the startNode
- Instantiate another variable (fastNode) to point to the next node.
- Advance the slowNode one node at a time.
- Advance the fastNode two nodes at a time.
- At each iteration, check if their values are equal.
- If they're equal, you have found a cycle.
Finding the cycle solution
Determining Cycle Length
- You have two nodes, both point to the same node in the cycle.
- Keep the fastNode stationary
- Increment the slowNode by one node, incrementing a counter at each iteration.
- Break the while loop once the two nodes are equal again.
- Return the counter -> that's your cycle length.
Determining Cycle Length
Finding the start of the cycle
- You know P, the length of the cycle.
- You will use the runner technique for this step as well.
- Instantiate two variables that point to the startNode.
- Advance the fastNode P nodes into the linked list.
- Then, advance the fastNode and the slowNode one node at a time.
- Check if they are equal at each iteration.
- Return the node when they are equal.
Finding the start node
REPL of Solution - https://repl.it/BlUo/
Solution : https://repl.it/BlUo/
Key Takeaways:
- Be very comfortable with Linked Lists
- Understand how to find cycles in data structures.
Cyclic Linked List
By ryankdwyer
Cyclic Linked List
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