Training Demo
Sagar Mal Shankhala
Product Engineer
Traning Modules
1)Spring(Core,MVC,aop,orm etc.)
4)RestFull WebServices (Xml/JSON)
5)Start with any Project(Link Sharing Application)
6)Spring Security(Basic Authentication and Token Based Authentication)
8)Communication Between MicroServices
9)Spring Cloud module
10)Discovery Server
11)Circuir Breaker/FallBack
12)Centralized configuration system
13)API Gateway
14)Spring Roo & Heroku Deployment(How to deploy your app on heroku)
Spring Core / MVC
1)Introduction about Spring?.Why do we need to use Spring? 2)Dependecy Injectation 3)Spring IOC Container 4)Bean Life Cycle 5)Scope of Beans 6)Bean Inheritance 7)Import/PropertySource 8)Implementaion using Annotation/XMl Based 9)Model view Controller 10)View=>TheamLeaf/FreeMarker 11)Logging 12)Interceptor/Filter 13)Server Side Validation
Spring Boot
1)What is Spring Boot 2)Advantage & Features to use Spring Boot 3)What is starter pom 4)Include and Exclude Server 5)Introduction about Gradle/Maven 6) 7)SpringBootApplication Annotation 8)how to do Server config in spring boot 9)How to Create Custom Starter-Pom
1)What is ORM(Hibernate/JPA) 2)Advantage to use ORM 3)configuration of Any ORM 4)In Memory Database 5)Session/SessionFactory 6)Inheritance Mapping 7)one to one Relationship 8)one to many Relationship 9)many to many Relationship 10)Hibernate Caching 11)Dynamic Finder 12)Named/Criteria Query
Rest Full WebServices
1)What is a webservice 2)Type of webservice 3)Advantage to use webservice 4)RestFull WebServices 5)How to implement RestFull WebServices using Spring Boot 6)JSON Data Binding 7)Requests method 8)Genrate XML/JSON Respionse 9)Versioning in Rest WebServices 10)RestControler 11) HATEOAS
Start Any Application
Spring Security
1)What is a Spring Security 2)Type of Security 3)Basic Authentication 4)Basic Authentication using database 5)Token Based Authentication 6) How to secure your REST API Security
1)What is MicroServices 2)Why do we need to use MicroServices 3)MicroServices Architature 4)Monolithic Architature 5)Advantge to use MicroServices
Commnucation Between MicroServices
1)What is Communication in micro services 2)RestTemplate 3)FeignClient
Spring Cloud
1)EurkaServer/DiscoveryServer 2)ConfigServer 3)Circuit Breaker 4)Falut Tolerence 5)API Gateway
PUB/SUB between two or more application
Thank you
Training Demo By Sagar Mal Shankhala Product Engineer
By Sagar Mal Shankhala
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