Cloud deployment on

Cloud Foundry is an open source cloud platform as a service (PaaS) on which developers can build, deploy, run and scale applications.


VMware originally created Cloud Foundry, and it is now part of Pivotal Software, whose parent company is Dell Technologies.

What is Cloud Foundry

How to Deploy on Cloud Foundry

1)Using CF Push Command("cf push app-name -p target\spring-helloworld-cf-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar")


2) Using Manifest Yml File

Download CLI For CloudFoundry



Login into account and Create Org in Pivotal 

Step 3

Login into Your Account Using CLI with "cf login" command

cf login -a  -o  demo-app-product-eng -s development -u


Create a Manifest YML in root Dir of Your Project and provide key value pair as per your requirement


Push your app into cloud foundry .Run Below Command in your Root Dir of Your ProJect

cf push"


Cloud Deployment on Cloud Foundry

By Sagar Mal Shankhala