Bernard the Tactician
Background processing in PHP

Márk Sági-Kazár

The Problem
Some ecommerce site
- reseller
- sell from multiple supplier
- customer order -> report back
- send orders to (multiple) remote APIs

Common issues...
- uploading an image fails or takes too long
- placing order fails or takes too long
- page loading takes too long
...and their causes
- improper error handling
- badly scaled application
- too much responsibilities on the frontend
Background processing...
- runs in the background
- runs without user interaction
- (does not block the "foreground" process)
Parallel execution
- run multiple actions in parallel
- might block the "foreground" process
- eg. multi-threading
Deferred execution
- run multiple actions
- different place/time/environment
- the result of execution is not important for the original process
- eg. job queues
Cron jobs
Deferred execution FTW
- removes responsibilities from the frontend
- may include retry strategy
- improves scalability PHP
Parallel execution
Multi-threading: pthreads
- usual PHP builds are not thread-safe
- many PHP extensions are not thread-safe
Deferred execution
Job queues
- one or more queues
- one or more workers
- put the job in the queue and forget

Message Queues
- inter-process communication
- asynchronous
- operated by a message broker
Message Broker
- coordinates communication between parties
- validates/routes/transforms/stores messages
- ensures message delivery
- eg. Rabbit MQ, Apache ActiveMQ/Kafka
Publish/Subscribe pattern
- most common messaging pattern (in MQs)
- sender publishes the message
- message broker stores
- receiver subscribes for specific messages

Golden rule
Replace the first character with "ph"

use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;
// Configuration
$pheanstalk = new Pheanstalk('');
// Publisher
->put("order product #1234 from supplier #5");
// Subscriber
$job = $pheanstalk
// Process order
$data = $job->getData();
// Delete job from the queue
- MQ abstraction
- supports the major ones
// Configuration
$producer = ...;
$consumer = ...;
$queue = ...;
// Publisher (== producer)
new Message\DefaultMessage('Order', [
'product_id' => 1234,
'supplier_id' => 5,
// Subscriber (== consumer)
Command pattern
- message
- information about an action to be executed
- no return value, but can trigger events
- improves testability

- simple command bus implementation
- uses middlewares internally
- maintained by The League (Ross Tuck)
final class Order
private $productId;
private $supplierId;
public function __construct(int $productId, int $supplierId)
$this->productId = $productId;
$this->supplierId = $supplierId;
public function getProductId() : int
return $this->productId;
public function getSupplierId() : int
return $this->supplierId;
final class OrderHandler
// some dependencies
public function handle(Order $command)
// do something
// Configuration
$commandBus = ...;
$consumer = ...;
$queue = ...;
// Producer
$command = new Order(1234, 5);
// Consumer
Thank you!
Bernard the Tactician
By Márk Sági-Kazár
Bernard the Tactician
- 1,853