Architect & Deno

Sam Clark

Using Deno and Architect simplifies the architecture

  • Native TypeScript Support
  • Completely Serverless

Hello!  I'm deno, I am the next evolution of javascript.  I don't require silly build steps or super confusing typescript configurations!  I can even compile javascript to a binary significantly reducing stress for you little buddies!

The Problem is that it's hard to gain acceptance when you are competing against my big brother node.js.  I don't even require a package.json OR a node_modules file! :( it makes me sad that no one wants to use me


  • Developed by some of the finest minds from the node.js ecosystem
  • Is an early adopter of deno and actively promotes its usage
  • Aims to have the least complicated initial procedures
  • Serverless platform for IAC, focused on AWS
  • Part of the OpenJS Foundation
  • Simplicity first, complexity available.
  • Converts to Cloudformation template files
  • Has its own deployment platform(

Architect is dirt simple

A quick overview of how serverless functions work(lambdas as an example)

AWS uses lambdas a primary driver of their services

Utilize Lambdas To Serve HTML

Lambda: /index

deno: renders html with proper headers

Lambda: /create

deno: renders simple html form

Two Dependencies?!
No React?!


Deno's Standard Libary

Deno has an advanced Standard library, and can serve html string literals with the proper headers


Handles routing, creation of functions, and sharing code, and most importantly, all that horrible cloudformation you never want to see again.....

Is GCP a candidate for this?

Probably not, AWS is a bit more forward thinking in regards to cloud functions.  Their pricing is set up to encourage their usage.

Google is more invested in the kubernetes philosophy, so is more forward thinking in regards to self contained management.

But how could we emulate this on GCP?

  • Cloud Run with Deno(more serverless focused)
  • Custom Deno runtimes on kubernetes(more devops focused)
  • Push for GCP to add something similar to Lambda Layers, or improve the runtime selections of their services.
  • GCP would need to port their SDK to deno(which would be good for everyone involved)

My thoughts after working with the architecture for two weeks

  • At its base, this architecture is the easiest modernized framework you could ever use to build an advanced frontend.
  • The ability to add complexity is there, but not as advanced as I would like it to be.
  • There are competitors to this service(even deno itself has its own hosted runtimes) such as Stackery that provide a more complex up front, but more mature set up.
  • With maturity, this could be a fantastic, less labor intensive replacement to terraform
  • For one off functions, daily reporting, etc. this would be my preferred system, i can deploy a function in less than 5 minutes.


Architect & Deno

By Sam Clark