B2B Marketplace Solutions

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Establish strategies for all cyber vectors

  • Zero Trust Model Email
  • In Memory Runtime Protection
  • Ransomware Protection

View Solutions:

Cyber Security

Ransomware Protection

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  • Add a critical security layer to your cybersecurity stack to add Ransomware Protection
  • Don't rely on backup solutions, which attackers sabotage once your system is compromised

In Memory Runtime Protection

  • Implement runtime protection cybersecurity for OT within all manufacturing, IOPS and laboratory endpoints

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  • Trusted by leading Pharma Companies

Eliminate Phishing

  • Don't rely on blacklist email strategies
  • Enterprise level whitelist subscription & automated

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Robotic Process Automation

Improve employee performance with RAAS

View Solutions:

Robotics as a Service

Specializing in Life Science Optimization

  • Automate Specialty Pharma operations
  • Digitize Manual Processes
  • View Dashboards for exception processing and high level detail

50% improvement in operational efficiencies and 90% efficiencies on document processing."

Data Privacy/ Compliance

  • Archive PII
  • Data Mesh as an Architecture

Good data practices for analytics and compliance

View Solutions:

Enterprise Data Archiving

  • Realize cost savings, security and compliance by smart archiving your legacy data and sunsetting legacy infrastructure

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Data Mesh Architecture

  • Future proof your architecture with Data Meshing
  • Apply complex compliance rules
  • Share data across your organization, maintain data relationships

Want to learn more?

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By samperet


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