Using d3

with Backbone, Angular and Ember


an example of bad code

An example of bad code


text: $(this).find('textarea').val()

Instead, use a model  


 $('#statuses').append('<li>' + data.text + '</li>');

Instead, use a directive


 $.ajax({url: '/statuses', success: function(data)  {...}

Instead, use a route

costs and benefits

of frameworks

Where does d3 fit in?

Data vis is becoming prominent:

  • Square
  • Localytics
  • Plotly
  • Addepar...

Our applications are object-oriented
but D3 tends to be procedural


  • Encapsulate your D3 code
  • Integrate it with your app
  • Embrace your framework's idioms



the bubble chart

50 lines of code

object-orientize the chart

Two common patterns:

  • prototypes
  • closures with getter/setters

*Check out d3.chart for an easy way to make reusable charts
 function bubbleChart() {
       // Config variables    var margin = {top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10},
        diameter = 400,        bubble = d3.layout.pack()
function chart(selection) { selection.each(function(data) { // Build the chart, with reusability in mind (e.g. lifecycle events)

}); }
//Public methods chart.margin = function(_) {...}   return chart;}

using our chart object

var data = [get_some_data]

var chart = bubbleChart()
  .margin({top: 0, right: 20, bottom: 0, left: 20});'#demo')

Some things to consider:

  • View hierarchy & cleanup
    • Marionette, Chaplin, Thorax
  • Appending a view's `el`
  • Use React (or something similar)

Some things to consider:

  • Enhanced our bubble chart in isolation
    • Directive made it easy to incorporate
  • Remember to $watch
  • Can use our chart as a service - D3 too

Some things to consider: 

  • Bubble chart still doesn't know about Ember, "companies", etc.
  • Components (like directives) completely sharable
  • Ember data
  • Computed properties FTW

wrapping up

We're really talking about reusability

  • Enhancing the chart is an iterative process
  • Define "transform" on  views/directives/components
  • Which framework is "best" for D3?
  • Check out d3.chart! Or, look up some patterns



Using D3 with Backbone, Angular and Ember - Apr 2014

By Sam Selikoff

Using D3 with Backbone, Angular and Ember - Apr 2014

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